Project description:Microarray analyses identified 713 genes whose expression increased or decrease by 1.5-fold with a P value <0.01 in response to exposure to JH for 3-12 hr. 497 were up-regulated, and 228 were down-regulated. 12 genes showed differentially regulated pattern that depended on the time of exposure to JH. 73 of these genes (57 genes up-regulated and 17 genes down-regulated) showed the presence of DR4 element in their promoter regions. We also screened the promoter regions of genes whose products are distributed in different cellular locations and various functional groups and found that the DR4 element is present in 275 out of 2850 genes screened. The distribution of DR4 element containing genes varied depending on both cellular location and gene function. The genes whose products are localized to the nucleus or cytoplasm showed higher proportion of DR4 element containing genes when compared to the genes coding for products localized to the membrane. Genes belonging to immune response and ligand activated receptor functional groups showed higher number of genes that contained DR4 elements when compared to the genes belonging to protein kinase or transmembrane receptor functional groups. The DR4 elements identified in the promoter regions of D. melanogaster genes bound to the nuclear proteins isolated from JH III-treated Drosophila L57 cells. In addition, the expression of DR4 element containing genes identified from various functional groups was induced by JH III in Drosophila mbn2 cells grown in the medium containing 1 µM JH III. Presence of DR4 element in JH-responsive genes is conserved across species. This study also demonstrates the feasibility of using genome-wide analysis for identification of genes regulated by various hormones and other signaling molecules. Keywords: Time course
Project description:Microarray analyses identified 713 genes whose expression increased or decrease by 1.5-fold with a P value <0.01 in response to exposure to JH for 3-12 hr. 497 were up-regulated, and 228 were down-regulated. 12 genes showed differentially regulated pattern that depended on the time of exposure to JH. 73 of these genes (57 genes up-regulated and 17 genes down-regulated) showed the presence of DR4 element in their promoter regions. We also screened the promoter regions of genes whose products are distributed in different cellular locations and various functional groups and found that the DR4 element is present in 275 out of 2850 genes screened. The distribution of DR4 element containing genes varied depending on both cellular location and gene function. The genes whose products are localized to the nucleus or cytoplasm showed higher proportion of DR4 element containing genes when compared to the genes coding for products localized to the membrane. Genes belonging to immune response and ligand activated receptor functional groups showed higher number of genes that contained DR4 elements when compared to the genes belonging to protein kinase or transmembrane receptor functional groups. The DR4 elements identified in the promoter regions of D. melanogaster genes bound to the nuclear proteins isolated from JH III-treated Drosophila L57 cells. In addition, the expression of DR4 element containing genes identified from various functional groups was induced by JH III in Drosophila mbn2 cells grown in the medium containing 1 µM JH III. Presence of DR4 element in JH-responsive genes is conserved across species. This study also demonstrates the feasibility of using genome-wide analysis for identification of genes regulated by various hormones and other signaling molecules. Keywords: Time course We performed microarray analysis using RNA isolated form L57 cells that were exposed to 1 µM JH III for 0, 3, 6 and 12 hr and identified 497 genes that are induced by JH and 228 genes that are down-regulated by JH. Then, we searched the promoter regions of these genes and found that 57 out of these 497 JH induced genes, and 17 out of these 228 JH down-regulated genes had conserved DR4 element present in their promoters.
Project description:STING is a protein that plays important role in innate immune response. However, it also has functions not related to immunity. We studied role of STING in fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. We used microarray to detect gene expression changes in dSTING knockout fruit flies. We studied role of STING in fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. To detect gene expression changes in dSTING-knockout flies microarray assay was used.
Project description:We report the transcriptional profiles from individual Drosophila melanogaster (whole bodies or dissected brains) to Entomophthora muscae at 24 time points following fungal exposure. In whole fruit fly bodies, a significant immune response is observed following exposure to the fungus. In brains, few differences are consistently observed between infected and uninfected animals.
Project description:Background. Juvenile hormone (JH) has been demonstrated to control adult lifespan in a number of non-model insects where surgical removal of the corpora allata eliminates the hormone’s source. In contrast, little is known about how juvenile hormone affects adult Drosophila melanogaster. Previous work suggests that insulin signaling may modulate Drosophila aging in part through its impact on juvenile hormone titer, but no data yet addresses whether reduction of juvenile hormone is sufficient to control Drosophila life span. Here we adapt a recent genetic approach to knock out the corpora allata in adult Drosophila melanogaster and characterize adult life history phenotypes produced by reduction of juvenile hormone. With this system we test potential explanations for how juvenile hormone modulates aging. Conclusions. Reduced juvenile hormone alone is sufficient to extend lifespan of Drosophila melanogaster. Reduced juvenile hormone limits reproduction by inhibiting the production of yolked eggs, and this may arise because juvenile hormone is required for the post-eclosion development of vitellogenin-producing adult fat body. Our data do not support a mechanism for juvenile hormone control of longevity simply based on reducing the physiological costs of reproductive. Nor does the longevity benefit appear to function through mechanisms by which dietary restriction extends longevity. We identify transcripts that change in response to juvenile hormone independent of reproductive state and suggest these represent somatically expressed genes that could modulate how juvenile hormone controls persistence and longevity.
Project description:Background. Juvenile hormone (JH) has been demonstrated to control adult lifespan in a number of non-model insects where surgical removal of the corpora allata eliminates the source of hormone. In contrast, little is known about how juvenile hormone affects adult Drosophila melanogaster. Previous work suggests that insulin signaling may modulate Drosophila aging in part through its impact on juvenile hormone titer, but no data yet addresses whether reduction of juvenile hormone is sufficient to control Drosophila life span. Here we adapt a recent genetic approach to knock out the corpora allata in adult Drosophila melanogaster and characterize adult life history phenotypes produced by reduction of juvenile hormone. With this system we test potential explanations for how juvenile hormone modulates aging. Conclusions. Reduced juvenile hormone alone is sufficient to extend lifespan of Drosophila melanogaster. Reduced juvenile hormone limits reproduction by inhibiting the production of yolked eggs, and this may arise because juvenile hormone is required for the post-eclosion development of vitellogenin-producing adult fat body. Our data do not support a mechanism for juvenile hormone control of longevity simply based on reducing the physiological costs of reproductive. Nor does the longevity benefit appear to function through mechanisms by which dietary restriction extends longevity. We identify transcripts that change in response to juvenile hormone independent of reproductive state and suggest these represent somatically expressed genes that could modulate how juvenile hormone controls persistence and longevity. Four genotypes were analyzed. They are CA knockout (CAKO), wildtype (wDah/w1118 ), CAKO with OvoD1 mutation and control (wDah/w1118) with OvoD1 mutation. Three biological replicates for each genotype.
Project description:PFJ (4 ml for a final concentration of 19,000 mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE) per kg diet or 0.86 mg GAE per kcal diet) was supplemented to larvae of fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) given a semi-purified diet to observe for possible effects on energy metabolism and lifespan. Larvae were used five days since the egg stage for gene expression studies. Results from the microarray data analysis carried out show that fruit fly larvae given PFJ had up-regulated transport and metabolic processes, while development and morphogenesis processes were down-regulated.
Project description:The success of neopteran insects, with 1 million species described, is associated with developmental innovations like the holometaboly and the evolution from short to long germ-band embryogenesis. To unveil the mechanisms underlining these innovations, we compared gene expression during the ontogeny of two extreme neopterans, the cockroach Blattella germanica (polyneopteran, hemimetabolan and short germ-band species), and the fly Drosophila melanogaster (endopterygote, holometabolan and long germ-band species). Results revealed that genes associated with metamorphosis are predominantly expressed in late nymphal stages in B. germanica and in early-mid embryo in D. melanogaster. In B. germanica the maternal to zygotic transition (MZT) concentrates early in embryogenesis, when juvenile hormone factors are significantly expressed. In D. melanogaster, the MZT extends throughout embryogenesis, during which juvenile hormone factors appear unimportant. These differences possibly reflect broad trends in the evolution of development within neopterans, related to the germ-band type and the metamorphosis mode.