Sass2009 - Approach to an α-synuclein-based BST model of Parkinson's disease
Ontology highlight
Sass2009 - Approach to an
α-synuclein-based BST model of Parkinson's disease
This model is described in the article:
A pragmatic approach to
biochemical systems theory applied to an alpha-synuclein-based
model of Parkinson's disease.
Sass MB, Lorenz AN, Green RL,
Coleman RA.
J. Neurosci. Methods 2009 Apr; 178(2):
This paper presents a detailed systems model of Parkinson's
disease (PD), developed utilizing a pragmatic application of
biochemical systems theory (BST) intended to assist
experimentalists in the study of system behavior. This approach
utilizes relative values as a reasonable initial estimate for
BST and provides a theoretical means of applying numerical
solutions to qualitative and semi-quantitative understandings
of cellular pathways and mechanisms. The approach allows for
the simulation of human disease through its ability to organize
and integrate existing information about metabolic pathways
without having a full quantitative description of those
pathways, so that hypotheses about individual processes may be
tested in a systems environment. Incorporating this method, the
PD model describes alpha-synuclein aggregation as mediated by
dopamine metabolism, the ubiquitin-proteasome system, and
lysosomal degradation, allowing for the examination of dynamic
pathway interactions and the evaluation of possible toxic
mechanisms in the aggregation process. Four system
perturbations: elevated alpha-synuclein aggregation, impaired
dopamine packaging, increased neurotoxins, and alpha-synuclein
overexpression, were analyzed for correlation to qualitative PD
system hypotheses present in the literature, with the model
demonstrating a high level of agreement with these hypotheses.
Additionally, various PD treatment methods, including levadopa
and monoamine oxidase inhibition (MAOI) therapy, were applied
to the disease models to examine their effects on the system.
Future additions and refinements to the model may further the
understanding of the emergent behaviors of the disease, helping
in the identification of system sensitivities and possible
therapeutic targets.
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DISEASE(S): Parkinson's Disease
Audald Lloret i Villas
PROVIDER: BIOMD0000000575 | BioModels | 2024-09-02