Kuznetsov2016(II) - α-syn aggregation kinetics in Parkinson's Disease
Ontology highlight
Kuznetsov2016(II) - α-syn aggregation
kinetics in Parkinson's
This theoretical model uses 2-step Finke-Watzky (FW) kinetics
todescribe the production, misfolding, aggregation, transport and
degradation of α-syn that may lead to Parkinson's Disease
(PD). Deregulated α-syn degradation is predicted to be
crucialfor PD pathogenesis.
This model is described in the article:
What can trigger the onset
of Parkinson's disease - A modeling study based on a
compartmental model of α-synuclein transport and aggregation in
Kuznetsov IA, Kuznetsov AV.
Math Biosci 2016 Aug; 278: 22-29
The aim of this paper is to develop a minimal model
describing events leading to the onset of Parkinson's disease
(PD). The model accounts for α-synuclein (α-syn) production in
the soma, transport toward the synapse, misfolding, and
aggregation. The production and aggregation of polymeric α-syn
is simulated using a minimalistic 2-step Finke-Watzky model. We
utilized the developed model to analyze what changes in a
healthy neuron are likely to lead to the onset of α-syn
aggregation. We checked the effects of interruption of α-syn
transport toward the synapse, entry of misfolded (infectious)
α-syn into the somatic and synaptic compartments, increasing
the rate of α-syn synthesis in the soma, and failure of α-syn
degradation machinery. Our model suggests that failure of α-syn
degradation machinery is probably the most likely cause for the
onset of α-syn aggregation leading to PD.
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DISEASE(S): Parkinson's Disease
Thawfeek Varusai
PROVIDER: BIOMD0000000615 | BioModels | 2024-09-02