Puri2010 - Mathematical Modeling for the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer's Disease
Ontology highlight
Puri2010 - Mathematical Modeling for the
Pathogenesis of Alzheimer's Disease
Puri2010 - Mathematical Modeling for the Pathogenesis of
Alzheimer's Disease
Encoded non-curated model. Issues:
- Confusing replacement of
when t = 3 years
- Confusing 4th rate equation
This model is described in the article:
Mathematical modeling for
the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease.
Puri IK, Li L.
PLoS ONE 2010; 5(12): e15176
Despite extensive research, the pathogenesis of
neurodegenerative Alzheimer's disease (AD) still eludes our
comprehension. This is largely due to complex and dynamic
cross-talks that occur among multiple cell types throughout the
aging process. We present a mathematical model that helps
define critical components of AD pathogenesis based on
differential rate equations that represent the known
cross-talks involving microglia, astroglia, neurons, and
amyloid-? (A?). We demonstrate that the inflammatory activation
of microglia serves as a key node for progressive
neurodegeneration. Our analysis reveals that targeting
microglia may hold potential promise in the prevention and
treatment of AD.
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DISEASE(S): Alzheimer's Disease
Audald Lloret i Villas
PROVIDER: MODEL1409240001 | BioModels | 2015-04-15