Masel2000 - Drugs to stop prion aggregates and other amyloids
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Masel2000 - Drugs to stop prion aggregates
and other amyloids
Encoded non-curated model.
- Missing initial concentration for species y, yb and z
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This model is described in the article:
Designing drugs to stop the
formation of prion aggregates and other amyloids.
Masel J, Jansen VA.
Biophys. Chem. 2000 Dec; 88(1-3):
Amyloid protein aggregates are implicated in many
neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease and
the prion diseases. Therapeutics to block amyloid formation are
often tested in vitro, but it is not clear how to extrapolate
from these experiments to a clinical setting, where the
effective drug dose may be much lower. Here we address this
question using a theoretical kinetic model to calculate the
growth rate of protein aggregates as a function of the dose of
each of three categories of drug. We find that therapeutics
which block the growing ends of amyloids are the most
promising, as alternative strategies may be ineffective or even
accelerate amyloid formation at low drug concentrations. Our
mathematical model can be used to identify and optimise an
end-blocking drug in vitro. Our model also suggests an
alternative explanation for data previously thought to prove
the existence of an entity known as protein X.
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DISEASE(S): Huntington's Disease,Alzheimer's Disease,Parkinson's Disease
Audald Lloret i Villas
PROVIDER: MODEL1410310000 | BioModels | 2015-04-15