Widiastuti2010 - Genome-scale metabolic network Zymomonas mobilis (iZM363)
Ontology highlight
Widiastuti2010 - Genome-scale metabolic
network Zymomonas mobilis (iZM363)
This model is described in the article:
Genome-scale modeling and in
silico analysis of ethanologenic bacteria Zymomonas
Widiastuti H, Kim JY, Selvarasu S,
Karimi IA, Kim H, Seo JS, Lee DY.
Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2011 Mar; 108(3):
Bioethanol has been recognized as a potential alternative
energy source. Among various ethanol-producing microbes,
Zymomonas mobilis has acquired special attention due to its
higher ethanol yield and tolerance. However, cellular
metabolism in Z. mobilis remains unclear, hindering its
practical application for bioethanol production. To elucidate
such physiological characteristics, we reconstructed and
validated a genome-scale metabolic network (iZM363) of Z.
mobilis ATCC31821 (ZM4) based on its annotated genome and
biochemical information. The phenotypic behaviors and metabolic
states predicted by our genome-scale model were highly
consistent with the experimental observations of Z. mobilis ZM4
strain growing on glucose as well as NMR-measured intracellular
fluxes of an engineered strain utilizing glucose, fructose, and
xylose. Subsequent comparative analysis with Escherichia coli
and Saccharomyces cerevisiae as well as gene essentiality and
flux coupling analyses have also confirmed the functional role
of pdc and adh genes in the ethanologenic activity of Z.
mobilis, thus leading to better understanding of this natural
ethanol producer. In future, the current model could be
employed to identify potential cell engineering targets,
thereby enhancing the productivity of ethanol in Z.
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Nicolas Le Novère
PROVIDER: MODEL1507180057 | BioModels | 2015-07-30