LlorénsRico2016 - Effects of cis-Encoded
antisense RNAs (asRNAs) - Case1
putative effects of the asRNAs were considered in this study: in
case 1
the binding of the asRNA to the corresponding mRNA induces
degradation of the duplex. In case 2
the binding of the asRNA to the mRNA induces degradation of the
mRNA, but not of the asRNA. In case 3, the mRNA and the asRNA
bind reversibly to form a stable duplex, preventing translation
of the mRNA. In all the three cases, binding to the ribosome
protects the mRNA from the effect of the asRNA.
This model is described in the article:
Bacterial antisense RNAs are
mainly the product of transcriptional noise.
Lloréns-Rico V, Cano J,
Kamminga T, Gil R, Latorre A, Chen WH, Bork P, Glass JI, Serrano
L, Lluch-Senar M.
Sci Adv 2016 Mar; 2(3): e1501363
cis-Encoded antisense RNAs (asRNAs) are widespread along
bacterial transcriptomes. However, the role of most of these
RNAs remains unknown, and there is an ongoing discussion as to
what extent these transcripts are the result of transcriptional
noise. We show, by comparative transcriptomics of 20 bacterial
species and one chloroplast, that the number of asRNAs is
exponentially dependent on the genomic AT content and that
expression of asRNA at low levels exerts little impact in terms
of energy consumption. A transcription model simulating mRNA
and asRNA production indicates that the asRNA regulatory effect
is only observed above certain expression thresholds,
substantially higher than physiological transcript levels.
These predictions were verified experimentally by
overexpressing nine different asRNAs in Mycoplasma pneumoniae.
Our results suggest that most of the antisense transcripts
found in bacteria are the consequence of transcriptional noise,
arising at spurious promoters throughout the genome.
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