Traynard2016 - Mammalian cell cycle regulation - Logical Model
Ontology highlight
Traynard2016 - Mammalian cell cycle
regulation - Logical Model
This model is described in the article:
Logical model specification
aided by model-checking techniques: application to the
mammalian cell cycle regulation.
Traynard P, Fauré A, Fages F,
Thieffry D.
Bioinformatics 2016 Sep; 32(17):
Understanding the temporal behaviour of biological
regulatory networks requires the integration of molecular
information into a formal model. However, the analysis of model
dynamics faces a combinatorial explosion as the number of
regulatory components and interactions increases.We use
model-checking techniques to verify sophisticated dynamical
properties resulting from the model regulatory structure in the
absence of kinetic assumption. We demonstrate the power of this
approach by analysing a logical model of the molecular network
controlling mammalian cell cycle. This approach enables a
systematic analysis of model properties, the delineation of
model limitations, and the assessment of various refinements
and extensions based on recent experimental observations. The
resulting logical model accounts for the main irreversible
transitions between cell cycle phases, the sequential
activation of cyclins, and the inhibitory role of Skp2, and
further emphasizes the multifunctional role for the cell cycle
inhibitor Rb.The original and revised mammalian cell cycle
models are available in the model repository associated with
the public modelling software GINsim
( data
are available at Bioinformatics online.
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Pauline Traynard
PROVIDER: MODEL1611230001 | BioModels | 2016-11-29