Kees2018 - Genome-scale constraint-based model of the mucin-degrader Akkermansia muciniphila
Ontology highlight
Kees2018 - Genome-scale constraint-based
model of the mucin-degrader Akkermansia
This model is described in the article:
Model-driven design of a
minimal medium for Akkermansia muciniphila confirms mucus
van der Ark KCH, Aalvink S,
Suarez-Diez M, Schaap PJ, de Vos WM, Belzer C.
Microb Biotechnol 2018 Jan; :
The abundance of the human intestinal symbiont Akkermansia
muciniphila has found to be inversely correlated with several
diseases, including metabolic syndrome and obesity.
A. muciniphila is known to use mucin as sole carbon and
nitrogen source. To study the physiology and the potential for
therapeutic applications of this bacterium, we designed a
defined minimal medium. The composition of the medium was based
on the genome-scale metabolic model of A. muciniphila and
the composition of mucin. Our results indicate that
A. muciniphila does not code for GlmS, the enzyme that
mediates the conversion of fructose-6-phosphate (Fru6P) to
glucosamine-6-phosphate (GlcN6P), which is essential in
peptidoglycan formation. The only annotated enzyme that could
mediate this conversion is Amuc-NagB on locus Amuc_1822. We
found that Amuc-NagB was unable to form GlcN6P from Fru6P at
physiological conditions, while it efficiently catalyzed the
reverse reaction. To overcome this inability,
N-acetylglucosamine needs to be present in the medium for
A. muciniphila growth. With these findings, the
genome-scale metabolic model was updated and used to accurately
predict growth of A. muciniphila on synthetic media. The
finding that A. muciniphila has a necessity for GlcNAc,
which is present in mucin further prompts the adaptation to its
mucosal niche.
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anniversary. Nucl. Acids Res. 2015, 43(Database
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Vijayalakshmi Chelliah
PROVIDER: MODEL1710040000 | BioModels | 2021-02-15