Gene expression profiling of Hodgkin lymphoma cell lines
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: Hodgkin lymphoma is derived from germinal center / post-germinal center B cells. Gene expression profilies of the Hodgkin lymphoma cell lines were compared to 5 samples of CD77+ centroblasts derived from reactive tonsils
Project description:Hodgkin lymphoma is derived from germinal center / post-germinal center B cells. Gene expression profilies of micodissected Hodkin Reed Sternberg cells (n=29) were compared to microdissected germinal centers (n=5)
Project description:Hodgkin lymphoma is derived from germinal center / post-germinal center B cells. Gene expression profilies of micodissected Hodkin Reed Sternberg cells (n=29) were dichotomized into primary treatment failure (n=14) and primary treatment succeses (n=15). Treament failure was defined as refractory disease or progression at any time after ABVD chemotherapy.
Project description:Hodgkin lymphoma is derived from germinal center / post-germinal center B cells. To determine differentially expressed genes between Hodgkin Reed Sternberg cells and their presumed cell of origin we investigated the expression profiles of 5 commonly used Hodgkin lymphoma cell lines as compared to reactive germinal centers.
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE25986: Gene expression profiling of cell lines derived from classical Hodgkin lymphoma GSE25987: Gene expression profiling of Hodgkin lymphoma cell line KMH2: Comparison of CIITA-BX648577 knockdown cultures with non-silencing controls GSE25989: Copy number analysis of Hodgkin lymphoma cell lines KM-H2 and L-428 Refer to individual Series *** This submission represents the microarray gene expression and microarray copy number components of the study
Project description:The pathogenesis of nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin lymphoma (NLPHL) and its relationship to other lymphomas are largely unknown. This is partly due to the technical challenge of analyzing its rare neoplastic L&H cells, which are dispersed in an abundant non-neoplastic cellular microenvironment. We performed a genome-wide expression study of microdissected lymphocytic and histiocytic (L&H) lymphoma cells in comparison to normal and other malignant B cells, which indicates a relationship of L&H cells to and/or origin from germinal center B cells at transition to memory B cells. L&H cells show a surprisingly high similarity to the tumor cells of T cell-rich B cell lymphoma and classical Hodgkin lymphoma, a partial loss of their B cell phenotype and deregulation of many apoptosis-regulators and putative oncogenes. Importantly, L&H cells are characterized by constitutive NF-κB activity and aberrant ERK signaling. Thus, these findings shed new light on the nature of L&H cells, revealed several novel pathogenetic mechanisms in NLPHL, and may help in differential diagnosis and lead to novel therapeutic strategies. Experiment Overall Design: Analysis of differential gene expression in primary human lymphoma cells of nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin lymphoma (NLPHL) in comparison with primary lymphoma cells of classical Hodgkin lymphoma cells and other B-non-Hodgkin lymphoma (B-NHL) samples and subsets of non-neoplastic B lymphocytes isolated from blood or tonsils. 67 gene expression profiles were analysed.
Project description:small RNA profiles of 6 human tonsillar B cell populatios (naive B cells, pre-germinal center B cells, centrocytes, centroblasts, memory B cells, and plasma cells) were determined by deep sequencing. These samples were compared to mouse developing lymphocytes, various hematopoietic cell lineages, and tissues. small RNA expression profiles of 6 well defined B cell populations isolated from human tonsils.