Project description:Dose-dependent hepatic gene expression was examined following repeated exposure (every 4 days for 28 days) to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). These data were used to examine the effect of repeated TCDD exposure as well as compare the performance of RNA-Seq and Agilent oligonucleotide microarrays for detection and identificatioin of differentially expressed genes. Three biological replicates for each dose (0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 10, 30) of TCDD and sesame oil vehicle This submission represents the Agilent microarrays component of study.
Project description:Temporal hepatic gene expression elicited by PPARα agonists Clofibrate and WY-14,643 was examined. These data were used to select PPARα regulated genes that may demonstrate species-specific regulation for assessment by QRT-PCR in a novel human adult stem cell model. Three biological replicates for each treatment were compared to time-matched vehicle control
Project description:Dose-dependent hepatic gene expression was examined following repeated exposure (every 4 days for 28 days) to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). These data were used to examine the effect of repeated TCDD exposure as well as compare the performance of RNA-Seq and Agilent oligonucleotide microarrays for detection and identificatioin of differentially expressed genes. Five biological replicates for each dose (0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 10, 30) of TCDD and sesame oil vehicle
Project description:The squamous cell carcinomas represent the aggressive type of non melanoma skin cancer, the most frequent malignancy among human population. We have studied here the possible relationship between these two pathways in skin using epidermal-specific mutant mice. Loss of p53, but not pRb, produces spontaneous tumor development, indicating that, contrary to pRb, p53 is the predominant tumor suppressor acting in mouse epidermis. The simultaneous inactivation of pRb and p53 does not aggravate the epidermal phenotype observed in Rb-deficient mice in terms of proliferation and/or differentiation. However, in doubly deficient mice spontaneous skin tumor development is severely accelerated. The tumors are aggressive, undifferentiated and display a hair follicle origin. Detailed analysis indicates that the acceleration is mediated by premature activation of the EGFR/Akt pathway, resulting in increased angiogenesis. The molecular characteristics of this model provide valuable tools to understand epidermal tumor formation, and may ultimately contribute to the development of therapies for the treatment of aggressive squamous cancer. Experiment Overall Design: Pools from RNA whole skin extracts from 3 animals of same genotype were done and analyzed, per duplicate, in mouse microarrays. Comparison was performed between the 4 different genotypes.
Project description:Liver macrophages play a major role in the control of infections in the liver and in the pathology associated with chronic liver diseases. It was recently shown that liver macrophages can have two different origins, however, the extent to which these populations are functionally distinct remains to be fully addressed. In this study, we compare the gene expression profile of liver resident and bone marrow derived liver macrophages in mouse, 6 weeks after total body irradiation and bone marrow transplantation.
Project description:The specific deletion of Rb gene in epidermis leads to altered proliferation and differentiation, but not to the development of spontaneous tumors. Our previous data have demonstrated the existence of a functional compensation of Rb loss by Rbl1 (p107) in as the phenotypic differences with respect to controls are intensified. However, the possible evolution of this aggravated phenotype, in particular in relationship with tumorigenesis, has not been evaluated due to the premature death of the double deficient mice. We have now investigated whether p107 can also act as a tumor suppressor in pRb-deficient epidermis using different experimental approaches. We found spontaneous tumor development in doubly-deficient skin grafts. Moreover, Rb-deficient keratinocytes are susceptible to Ha-ras-induced transformation, and this susceptibility is enhanced by p107 loss. Further functional analyses, including microarray gene expression profiling, indicated that the loss of p107, in the absence of pRb, produces the reduction of p53-dependent pro-apoptotic signals. Overall, our data demonstrate that p107 behaves as a tumor suppressor in epidermis in the absence of pRb and suggest novel tumor-suppressive roles for p107 in the context of functional p53 and activated Ras Experiment Overall Design: Pools from RNA whole skin extracts from 3 animals of same genotype were done and analyzed, per duplicate, in mouse microarrays. Comparison was performed between the 4 different genotypes.
Project description:Aberrant activation of the Akt pathway has been implicated in several human pathologies including cancer. However, current knowledge on the involvement of Akt signaling in development is limited. Previous data have suggested that Akt-mediated signaling may be an essential mediator of epidermal homeostasis through cell autonomous and non-cell autonomous mechanisms. Here we report the developmental consequences of deregulated Akt activity in the basal layer of stratified epithelia, mediated by the expression of a constitutively active Akt1; (myrAkt) in transgenic mice. Contrary to mice overexpressing wilt type Akt1 (Aktwt), these myrAkt mice display, in a dose-dependent manner, altered development of ectodermally derived organs such as hair, teeth, nails and epidermal glands. To identify the possible molecular mechanisms underlying these alterations, gene profiling approaches were employed. We demonstrate that constitutive Akt activity disturbs the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-dependent signaling pathway, which leads to alterations in adult epidermal stem cells. Collectively, we show that epithelial tissue development and homeostasis is dependent on proper regulation of Akt expression and activity. Experiment Overall Design: Two (transgenic mice L60, L84 and LA) or three pools (control mice LC) from RNA whole skin extracts of same genotype were done and analyzed, individually, in mouse microarrays. Comparison was performed between the 4 different genotypes.
Project description:In this work we generated a no-letal mice model infected with pandemic H1N1 virus in order to study the mechanisms implicated in the resolution of uncomplicated pneumonia by using gene expression profiles of lung tissues.
Project description:Objective: To evaluate gene expression profiles in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients who improved their fatigue status after a program of physical exercise and to compare them with healthy controls (HC). Methods: A prospective longitudinal study was conducted. Gene expression in whole blood was profiled at baseline in 7 healthy controls and also in 7 fatigued-MS patients. Patients underwent a physical exercise program for 6 months, and their fatigue status and gene expression profiles were again analyzed at the end of this program. Results: MS patients showed a significant activation of genes participating in the systemic interferon response in comparison with healthy controls. Fatigue improved at the end of the physical activity program, and, in parallel, systemic activation of interferon related genes disappeared. Conclusions: Fatigue improvement following an exercise program is associated to down modulation of interferon activity at the systemic level in MS patients. Our results provide a biological basis for the observed benefit of physical exercise in MS.
Project description:CD56brightCD16-, CD56dimNKG2A+ and CD56dimNKG2A- NK cells subsets were FACS sorted and their transcriptional profile were compared after whole genome microarray analysis.