Gene expression analysis of subcutaneous adipose tissue in mice fed with a low-protein/high carbohydrate diet
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: In this experiment, we have analyzed the effects of a 2-weeks treatment with a low-protein/high carbohydrate diet (7P:70C) on subcutaneous adipose tissue of C57BL6/J male mice. Age and sex-matched mice fed with a Western diet (23P:57C) were used as controls.
Project description:Mice were fed for 6 months with a normal chow (NC) or a high fat diet (HFD). After 6 months of diet, high fat fed mice with Low, Medium and High body weight, but with similar glucose intolerance, were selected. These selected mice as well as NC mice were then treated with Rimonabant or Vehicle for 1 month. After treatment, mice were sacrificed and visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissues were collected and immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen. Total RNA from each sample was further extracted, purified, quality-controled before and after amplification, Cy5-labeled and co-hybridized with a Cy3-labeled mouse Universal Reference total RNA on the mouse 17K microarray. Keywords: diet response, pharmacological response Each individual RNA sample was hybridized with a mouse Universal Reference Total RNA
Project description:We performed survival analysis of control and MCD groups, and explored underlying tumor suppression mechanisms after dietary intervention, focused on alterations in the energy-dependent signaling pathways, histone modifications, and global gene expression differences on cDNA microarray study. Illumina arrays: Five- week- old male C57BL6 mice were randomly divided into two groups and fed control diet (control group, LabDiet, Brentwood, MO, USA) or moderate restriced carbohydrate diet formula (MCD, Treat group) in a specific pathogen free zone. All procedures were approved by the institutional animal use and care committee. Following a preliminary feeding of each diet formula for one week, 1 × 106 B16F10 cells (suspended with 100 μl of PBS) were subcutaneously injected into the back of the mice. After 2 weeks of diet supplementation, all mice were sacrificed. Tumor tissue was excised for cDNA microarray. Agilent arrays: Five- week- old male C57BL6 mice were randomly divided into two groups and fed control diet (control group, LabDiet, Brentwood, MO, USA) or moderate restriced carbohydrate diet formula (MCD, Treat group) in a specific pathogen free zone. All procedures were approved by the institutional animal use and care committee. Following a preliminary feeding of each diet formula for one week, 1 × 106 B16F10 cells (suspended with 100 μl of PBS) were subcutaneously injected into the back of the mice. After 2 weeks of diet supplementation, all mice were sacrificed. Tumor tissue was excised for chip-on-chip microarray.
Project description:Here, we analysed the global proteome of visceral, subcutaneous and brown adipose as well as liver tissues in a C57BL/6J mouse model of diet-induced obesity, following dietary exposure to 1,2-cyclohexane dicarboxylic acid diisononyl ester (DINCH). This study includes data on male and female mice, as well as on immediate DINCH exposure and retained effects after a recovery phase.
Project description:The effect of high fat diet feeding on heart gene transcription regulation was investigated in an F2 cross of 129S6 x Balb/c mice using Illumina gene expression arrays. Expression data was determined in 5 months old male mice fed a high fat diet (40% fat) for 15 weeks. Control mice were fed a standard carbohydrate chow. 96 animals per group were used. The files mouse-f2-chd-genotype.txt and HFD.txt contain genotyping data linked to the diets, they can be found found in the file on the FTP for this submission. NOTE: the file CHD.txt was replaced by the updated file mouse-f2-chd-genotype.txt on 8th April 2014.
Project description:Gene transcription in epididymal fat pads was investigated in an F2 cross of 129S6 x Balb/c mice using Illumina gene expression arrays. Expression data was determined in 5 months old male mice fed a carbohydrate diet. Genotyping data for the F2 offspring used in this study can be found in the file under the Browse all available files link (file mouse-f2-chd-genotype.txt added 8th April 2014).
Project description:Microarray analysis on livers of young (three weeks old) Nile rats (Arvicanthis niloticus) fed with either a high carbohydrate diet only (percentage energy from carbohydrate:fat:protein = 70:10:20, 16.7 kJ/g) or a high carbohydrate diet supplemented with palm fruit juice (PFJ) (415 ml of 13000 ppm gallic acid equivalent (GAE) for a final concentration of 5.4 g GAE per kg diet or 2.7 g per 2000 kcal) PFJ (415 ml of 13000 ppm gallic acid equivalent (GAE) for a final concentration of 5.4 g GAE per kg diet or 2.7 g per 2000 kcal) was supplemented to young Nile rats (Arvicanthis niloticus) given a high carbohydrate diet (percentage energy from carbohydrate:fat:protein = 70:10:20, 16.7 kJ/g) to observe for possible anti-diabetic effects. Livers were harvested four weeks after the feeding regimen for gene expression studies. Results from the microarray data analysis carried out show that rats given PFJ had down-regulated insulin signalling, consistent with anti-diabetic effects observed in vivo. Total RNA obtained from livers of young Nile rats (Arvicanthis niloticus) given PFJ in a high carbohydrate diet (four weeks after the feeding regimen) were compared to controls (three replicates in the treatment group versus four replicates in the control group)
Project description:Genome-wide DNA methylation profiling of healthy young men following a control and high-fat overfeeding diet using Illumina's Infinium 27k Human DNA methylation Beadchip v. 1.2. DNA methylation profiles were obtained for 27,578 CpG sites in human skeletal muscle. Randomized cross-over desgin, where all subjects receieved both treatments (control and high-fat overfeeding diet). Biopsies were obtained from 23 different individuals amounting to 22 samples following the control diet and 22 samples following the high-fat overfeeding diet (paired n=21). Bisulphite converted DNA from the 44 samples were hybridised to the Illumina Infinium 27k Human Methylation Beadchip.
Project description:We performed survival analysis of control and MCD groups, and explored underlying tumor suppression mechanisms after dietary intervention, focused on alterations in the energy-dependent signaling pathways, histone modifications, and global gene expression differences on cDNA microarray study. Five- week- old male C57BL6 mice were randomly divided into two groups and fed control diet (control group, LabDiet, Brentwood, MO, USA) or moderate restriced carbohydrate diet formula (MCD, Treat group) in a specific pathogen free zone. All procedures were approved by the institutional animal use and care committee. Following a preliminary feeding of each diet formula for two week, HrasG12V / shp53 / GFP4 gene containing transposon vector were injected into mouse tail vein by hydrodynamic injection method. After 4 weeks of diet supplementation, all mice were sacrificed. Mouse liver tissue was excised for microarray analysis.
Project description:Systemic acute inflammatory signals can cause profound anorexia by disrupting the physiological appetite regulation in the hypothalamic milieu. Conversely, obesity related chronic inflammation of the hypothalamus can disturb anorexigenic signals and promote abnormal body weight control. The aim of the present study was to compare the global hypothalamic endophenotype in C57/Bl6 mice exposed to a high-fat diet or with acute illness mediated by LPS. Ten-week old male C57/Bl6 mice (n=18) were randomly divided into four groups; the control 1 group (n =3) was fed a normal diet whereas the high-fat diet (HFD) group (n =6) was fed a high-fat diet for eight weeks. The control 2 group (n=3) received an intraperitoneal injection of saline whereas the LPS group (n=6) received an intraperitoneal injection of LPS. Mice were sacrificed 18-hr post-injection. Both control 2 and LPS groups were fed a normal diet for eight weeks before the injection. The hypothalamic regions were removed and analysed using a 2D LC-MS methodology. The proteomic analysis profiled 9,235 proteins (q<0.05) across all biological states, of which 522 proteins were found modulated in the HFD group and another 579 in the LPS group. The proteomic profiles demonstrated that the systemic acute inflammation linked with anorexia induced a negative feedback loop of appetite control in the hypothalamus, suggesting an effort to re-establish homeostasis. By contrast, the chronic inflammation associated with obesity initiated a “perpetual cycle” of positive feedback enhancement of appetite regulation further exacerbating positive energy balance.
Project description:Genome-wide DNA methylation profiling of young men born with low birth weight following a control and high-fat overfeeding diet using Illumina's Infinium 27k Human DNA methylation Beadchip v. 1.2. DNA methylation profiles were obtained for 27,578 CpG sites in human skeletal muscle. Randomized cross-over desgin, where all subjects receieved both treatments (control and high-fat overfeeding diet). Biopsies were obtained from 17 different individuals amounting to 16 samples following the control diet and 15 samples following the high-fat overfeeding diet (paired n=14). Bisulphite converted DNA from the 31 samples were hybridised to the Illumina Infinium 27k Human Methylation Beadchip.