A centriole- and RanGTP-independent spindle assembly pathway in meiosis I of vertebrate oocytes.
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: Spindle formation is essential for stable inheritance of genetic material. Experiments in various systems indicate that Ran GTPase is crucial for meiotic and mitotic spindle assembly. Such an important role for Ran in chromatin-induced spindle assembly was initially demonstrated in Xenopus laevis egg extracts. However, the requirement of RanGTP in living meiotic cells has not been shown. In this study, we used a fluorescence resonance energy transfer probe to measure RanGTP-regulated release of importin beta. A RanGTP-regulated gradient was established during meiosis I and was centered on chromosomes throughout mouse meiotic maturation. Manipulating levels of RanGTP in mice and X. laevis oocytes did not inhibit assembly of functional meiosis I spindles. However, meiosis II spindle assembly did not tolerate changes in the level of RanGTP in both species. These findings suggest that a mechanism common to vertebrates promotes meiosis I spindle formation in the absence of chromatin-induced microtubule production and centriole-based microtubule organizing centers.
Project description:Homologous chromosome segregation during meiosis I (MI) in mammalian oocytes is carried out by the acentrosomal MI spindles. Whereas studies in human oocytes identified Ran GTPase as a crucial regulator of the MI spindle function, experiments in mouse oocytes questioned the generality of this notion. Here, we use live-cell imaging with fluorescent probes and Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) biosensors to monitor the changes in Ran and importin β signaling induced by perturbations of Ran in mouse oocytes while examining the MI spindle dynamics. We show that unlike RanT24N employed in previous studies, a RanT24N, T42A double mutant inhibits RanGEF without perturbing cargo binding to importin β and disrupts MI spindle function in chromosome segregation. Roles of Ran and importin β in the coalescence of microtubule organizing centers (MTOCs) and MI spindle assembly are further supported by the use of the chemical inhibitor importazole, whose effects are partially rescued by the GTP hydrolysis-resistant RanQ69L mutant. These results indicate that RanGTP is essential for MI spindle assembly and function both in humans and mice.
Project description:Centrosomes, composed of centrioles that recruit a pericentriolar material (PCM) matrix assembled from PCNT and CDK5RAP2, catalyze mitotic spindle assembly. Here, we inhibit centriole formation and/or remove PCNT-CDK5RAP2 in RPE1 cells to address their relative contributions to spindle formation. While CDK5RAP2 and PCNT are normally dispensable for spindle formation, they become essential when centrioles are absent. Acentriolar spindle assembly is accompanied by the formation of foci containing PCNT and CDK5RAP2 via a microtubule and Polo-like kinase 1-dependent process. Foci formation and spindle assembly require PCNT-CDK5RAP2-dependent matrix assembly and the ability of CDK5RAP2 to recruit γ-tubulin complexes. Thus, the PCM matrix can self-organize independently of centrioles to generate microtubules for spindle assembly; conversely, an alternative centriole-anchored mechanism supports spindle assembly when the PCM matrix is absent. Extension to three cancer cell lines revealed similar results in HeLa cells, whereas DLD1 and U2OS cells could assemble spindles in the absence of centrioles and PCNT-CDK5RAP2, suggesting cell type variation in spindle assembly mechanisms.
Project description:Oocyte meiotic spindles of many species are anastral and lack centrosomes to nucleate microtubules. Assembly of anastral spindles occurs by a pathway that differs from that of most mitotic spindles. Here we analyze assembly of the Drosophila oocyte meiosis I spindle and the role of the Nonclaret disjunctional (Ncd) motor in spindle assembly using wild-type and mutant Ncd fused to GFP. Unexpectedly, we observe motor-associated asters at germinal vesicle breakdown that migrate towards the condensed chromosomes, where they nucleate microtubules at the chromosomes. Newly nucleated microtubules are randomly oriented, then become organized around the bivalent chromosomes. We show that the meiotic spindle forms by lateral associations of microtubule-coated chromosomes into a bipolar spindle. Lateral interactions between microtubule-associated bivalent chromosomes may be mediated by microtubule crosslinking by the Ncd motor, based on analysis of fixed oocytes. We report here that spindle assembly occurs in an ncd mutant defective for microtubule motility, but lateral interactions between microtubule-coated chromosomes are unstable, indicating that Ncd movement along microtubules is needed to stabilize interactions between chromosomes. A more severe ncd mutant that probably lacks ATPase activity prevents formation of lateral interactions between chromosomes and causes defective microtubule elongation. Anastral Drosophila oocyte meiosis I spindle assembly thus involves motor-associated asters to nucleate microtubules and Ncd motor activity to form and stabilize interactions between microtubule-associated chromosomes during the assembly process. This is the first complete account of assembly of an anastral spindle and the specific steps that require Ncd motor activity, revealing new and unexpected features of the process.
Project description:The meiotic spindle in oocytes is assembled in the absence of centrosomes, the major microtubule nucleation sites in mitotic and male meiotic cells. A crucial, yet unresolved question in meiosis is how spindle microtubules are generated without centrosomes and only around chromosomes in the exceptionally large volume of oocytes. Here we report a novel oocyte-specific microtubule nucleation pathway that is essential for assembling most spindle microtubules complementarily with the Augmin pathway. This pathway is mediated by the kinesin-6 Subito/MKlp2, which recruits the ?-tubulin complex to the spindle equator to nucleate microtubules in Drosophila oocytes. Away from chromosomes, Subito interaction with the ?-tubulin complex is suppressed by its N-terminal region to prevent ectopic microtubule assembly in oocytes. We further demonstrate in vitro that the Subito complex from ovaries can nucleate microtubules from pure tubulin dimers. Collectively, microtubule nucleation regulated by Subito drives spatially restricted spindle assembly in oocytes.
Project description:In the oocytes of many animals including humans, the meiotic spindle assembles without centrosomes. It is still unclear how multiple pathways contribute to spindle microtubule assembly, and whether they are regulated differently in mitosis and meiosis. Augmin is a ?-tubulin recruiting complex which "amplifies" spindle microtubules by generating new microtubules along existing ones in mitosis. Here we show that in Drosophila melanogaster oocytes Augmin is dispensable for chromatin-driven assembly of bulk spindle microtubules, but is required for full microtubule assembly near the poles. The level of Augmin accumulated at spindle poles is well correlated with the degree of chromosome congression. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching shows that Augmin stably associates with the polar regions of the spindle in oocytes, unlike in mitotic cells where it transiently and uniformly associates with the metaphase spindle. This stable association is enhanced by ?-tubulin and the kinesin-14 Ncd. Therefore, we suggest that meiosis-specific regulation of Augmin compensates for the lack of centrosomes in oocytes by actively biasing sites of microtubule generation within the spindle.
Project description:Since the dissolution of sister chromatid cohesion by separase and cyclin B destruction is irreversible, it is essential to delay both until all chromosomes have bioriented on the mitotic spindle. Kinetochores that are not correctly attached to the spindle generate the mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC), which inhibits the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) and blocks anaphase onset. This process is known as the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC). The SAC is especially important in meiosis I, where bivalents consisting of homologous chromosomes held together by chiasmata biorient. Since the first meiotic division is unaffected by rare achiasmatic chromosomes or misaligned bivalents, it is thought that several tensionless kinetochores are required to produce sufficient MCC for APC/C inhibition. Consistent with this, univalents lacking chiasmata elicit a SAC-mediated arrest in Mlh1(-/-) oocytes. In contrast, chromatids generated by TEV protease-induced cohesin cleavage in Rec8(TEV/TEV) oocytes merely delay APC/C activation. Since the arrest of Mlh1(-/-)Rec8(TEV/TEV) oocytes is alleviated by TEV protease, even when targeted to kinetochores, we conclude that their SAC depends on cohesin as well as dedicated kinetochore proteins. This has important implications for aging oocytes, where cohesin deterioration will induce sister kinetochore biorientation and compromise MCC production, leading to chromosome missegregation and aneuploid fetuses.
Project description:Zinc is essential for many biological processes, including proper functioning of gametes. We recently reported that zinc levels rise by over 50% during oocyte maturation and that attenuation of zinc availability during this period could be achieved using the membrane-permeable heavy metal chelator N,N,N',N'-tetrakis(2-pyridylmethyl)ethylenediamine (TPEN). This zinc insufficiency resulted in formation of large polar bodies, failure to establish metaphase II arrest, and impaired establishment of cortical polarity. As these phenotypes resemble those of MOS null oocytes, we examined the impact of zinc insufficiency on the MOS-MAPK pathway. Reduced levels of both MOS protein and phosphorylation of MAP2K1/2 are observed in zinc-insufficient oocytes; however, these differences appear only after completion of the first meiotic division. In addition, activation of the downstream effector of the MOS pathway, MAPK3/1, is not affected by zinc insufficiency, and reduced MOS levels are observed only with the presence of TPEN after the first polar body extrusion. These data are inconsistent with the hypothesis that reduced MOS mediates the observed phenotype. Finally, MOS overexpression does not rescue the phenotype of zinc-insufficient oocytes, confirming that the observed disruption of asymmetric division and spindle abnormalities cannot be attributed to impaired MOS signaling. Zinc-insufficient oocytes do not increase maturation promoting factor (MPF) activity following the first meiotic division, and increasing MPF activity through expression of nondegradable cyclin B1 partially rescues the ability of zinc-insufficient oocytes to enter metaphase II. Although we have shown that zinc has a novel role in the meiotic cell cycle, it is not mediated through the MOS-MAPK pathway.
Project description:The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) functions as a surveillance mechanism to detect chromosome misalignment and to delay anaphase until the errors are corrected. The SAC is thought to control mitosis and meiosis, including meiosis in mammalian eggs. However, it remains unknown if meiosis in the eggs of nonmammalian vertebrate species is also regulated by SAC. Using a novel karyotyping technique, we demonstrate that complete disruption of spindle microtubules in Xenopus laevis oocytes did not affect the bivalent-to-dyad transition at the time oocytes are undergoing anaphase I. These oocytes also acquired the ability to respond to parthenogenetic activation, which indicates proper metaphase II arrest. Similarly, oocytes exhibiting monopolar spindles, via inhibition of aurora B or Eg5 kinesin, underwent monopolar anaphase on time and without additional intervention. Therefore, the metaphase-to-anaphase transition in frog oocytes is not regulated by SAC.
Project description:Separase not only triggers anaphase of meiosis I by proteolytic cleavage of cohesin on chromosome arms, but in vitro vertebrate separase also acts as a direct inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1) on liberation from the inhibitory protein, securin. Blocking separase-Cdk1 complex formation by microinjection of anti-separase antibodies prevents polar-body extrusion in vertebrate oocytes. Importantly, proper meiotic maturation is rescued by chemical inhibition of Cdk1 or expression of Cdk1-binding separase fragments lacking cohesin-cleaving activity.
Project description:During animal cell division, a gradient of GTP-bound Ran is generated around mitotic chromatin. It is generally accepted that this RanGTP gradient is essential for organizing the spindle, because it locally activates critical spindle assembly factors. Here, we show in Xenopus laevis egg extract, where the gradient is best characterized, that spindles can assemble in the absence of a RanGTP gradient. Gradient-free spindle assembly occurred around sperm nuclei but not around chromatin-coated beads and required the chromosomal passenger complex (CPC). Artificial enrichment of CPC activity within hybrid bead arrays containing both immobilized chromatin and the CPC supported local microtubule assembly even in the absence of a RanGTP gradient. We conclude that RanGTP and the CPC constitute the two major molecular signals that spatially promote microtubule polymerization around chromatin. Furthermore, we hypothesize that the two signals mainly originate from discreet physical sites on the chromosomes to localize microtubule assembly around chromatin: a RanGTP signal from any chromatin and a CPC-dependent signal predominantly generated from centromeric chromatin.