Ontology highlight
PROVIDER: S-EPMC2734081 | biostudies-literature | 2004 May
REPOSITORIES: biostudies-literature
Humphray S J SJ Oliver K K Hunt A R AR Plumb R W RW Loveland J E JE Howe K L KL Andrews T D TD Searle S S Hunt S E SE Scott C E CE Jones M C MC Ainscough R R Almeida J P JP Ambrose K D KD Ashwell R I S RI Babbage A K AK Babbage S S Bagguley C L CL Bailey J J Banerjee R R Barker D J DJ Barlow K F KF Bates K K Beasley H H Beasley O O Bird C P CP Bray-Allen S S Brown A J AJ Brown J Y JY Burford D D Burrill W W Burton J J Carder C C Carter N P NP Chapman J C JC Chen Y Y Clarke G G Clark S Y SY Clee C M CM Clegg S S Collier R E RE Corby N N Crosier M M Cummings A T AT Davies J J Dhami P P Dunn M M Dutta I I Dyer L W LW Earthrowl M E ME Faulkner L L Fleming C J CJ Frankish A A Frankland J A JA French L L Fricker D G DG Garner P P Garnett J J Ghori J J Gilbert J G R JG Glison C C Grafham D V DV Gribble S S Griffiths C C Griffiths-Jones S S Grocock R R Guy J J Hall R E RE Hammond S S Harley J L JL Harrison E S I ES Hart E A EA Heath P D PD Henderson C D CD Hopkins B L BL Howard P J PJ Howden P J PJ Huckle E E Johnson C C Johnson D D Joy A A AA Kay M M Keenan S S Kershaw J K JK Kimberley A M AM King A A Knights A A Laird G K GK Langford C C Lawlor S S Leongamornlert D A DA Leversha M M Lloyd C C Lloyd D M DM Lovell J J Martin S S Mashreghi-Mohammadi M M Matthews L L McLaren S S McLay K E KE McMurray A A Milne S S Nickerson T T Nisbett J J Nordsiek G G Pearce A V AV Peck A I AI Porter K M KM Pandian R R Pelan S S Phillimore B B Povey S S Ramsey Y Y Rand V V Scharfe M M Sehra H K HK Shownkeen R R Sims S K SK Skuce C D CD Smith M M Steward C A CA Swarbreck D D Sycamore N N Tester J J Thorpe A A Tracey A A Tromans A A Thomas D W DW Wall M M Wallis J M JM West A P AP Whitehead S L SL Willey D L DL Williams S A SA Wilming L L Wray P W PW Young L L Ashurst J L JL Coulson A A Blöcker H H Durbin R R Sulston J E JE Hubbard T T Jackson M J MJ Bentley D R DR Beck S S Rogers J J Dunham I I
Nature 20040501 6990
Chromosome 9 is highly structurally polymorphic. It contains the largest autosomal block of heterochromatin, which is heteromorphic in 6-8% of humans, whereas pericentric inversions occur in more than 1% of the population. The finished euchromatic sequence of chromosome 9 comprises 109,044,351 base pairs and represents >99.6% of the region. Analysis of the sequence reveals many intra- and interchromosomal duplications, including segmental duplications adjacent to both the centromere and the larg ...[more]