Project description:Strain hardening, originating from defects such as the dislocation, avails conventional metals of high engineering reliability in applications. However, the hardenability of metallic glass is a long-standing concern due to the lack of similar defects. In this work, we carefully examine the stress-strain relationship in three bulk monolithic metallic glasses. The results show that hardening is surely available in metallic glasses if the effective load-bearing area is considered instantly. The hardening is proposed to result from the remelting and ensuing solidification of the shear-band material under a hydrostatic pressure imposed by the normal stress during the shear banding event. This applied-pressure quenching densifies the metallic glass by discharging the free volume. On the other hand, as validated by molecular dynamics simulations, the pressure promotes the icosahedral short-range order. The densification and icosahedral clusters both contribute to the increase of the shear strength and therefore the hardening in metallic glasses.
Project description:The jamming transition, generally manifested by a rapid increase of rigidity under compression (i.e. compression hardening), is ubiquitous in amorphous materials. Here we study shear hardening in deeply annealed frictionless packings generated by numerical simulations, reporting critical scalings absent in compression hardening. We demonstrate that hardening is a natural consequence of shear-induced memory destruction. Based on an elasticity theory, we reveal two independent microscopic origins of shear hardening: (i) the increase of the interaction bond number and (ii) the emergence of anisotropy and long-range correlations in the orientations of bonds-the latter highlights the essential difference between compression and shear hardening. Through the establishment of physical laws specific to anisotropy, our work completes the criticality and universality of jamming transition, and the elasticity theory of amorphous solids.
Project description:Metal foam inserts are known for their high potential for weight and vibration reduction in composite gear wheels. However, most metal foams do not meet the strength requirements mandatory for the transfer of sufficiently high levels of torque by the gears. Syntactic iron and steel foams offer higher strength levels than conventional two-phase metal foams, thus making them optimum candidates for such inserts. The present study investigates to what extent surface hardening treatments commonly applied to gear wheels can improve the mechanical properties of iron-based syntactic foams. Experiments performed thus focus on case hardening treatments based on carburizing and carbonitriding, with subsequent quenching and tempering to achieve surface hardening effects. Production of samples relied on the powder metallurgical metal injection molding (MIM) process. Syntactic iron foams containing 10 wt.% of S60HS hollow glass microspheres were compared to reference materials without such filler. Following heat treatments, the samples' microstructure was evaluated metallographically; mechanical properties were determined via hardness measurements on reference samples and 4-point bending tests, on both reference and syntactic foam materials. The data obtained show that case hardening can indeed improve the mechanical performance of syntactic iron foams by inducing the formation of a hardened surface layer. Moreover, the investigation indicates that the respective thermo-chemical treatments can be applied to composite gear wheels in exactly the same way as to monolithic ones. In the surface region modified by the treatment, martensitic microstructures were observed, and as consequence, the bending limits of syntactic foam samples were increased by a factor of three.
Project description:Gradient structures have evolved over millions of years through natural selection and optimization in many biological systems such as bones and plant stems, where the structures change gradually from the surface to interior. The advantage of gradient structures is their maximization of physical and mechanical performance while minimizing material cost. Here we report that the gradient structure in engineering materials such as metals renders a unique extra strain hardening, which leads to high ductility. The grain-size gradient under uniaxial tension induces a macroscopic strain gradient and converts the applied uniaxial stress to multiaxial stresses due to the evolution of incompatible deformation along the gradient depth. Thereby the accumulation and interaction of dislocations are promoted, resulting in an extra strain hardening and an obvious strain hardening rate up-turn. Such extraordinary strain hardening, which is inherent to gradient structures and does not exist in homogeneous materials, provides a hitherto unknown strategy to develop strong and ductile materials by architecting heterogeneous nanostructures.
Project description:Extrusion based additive manufacturing of cementitious materials has demonstrated strong potential to become widely used in the construction industry. However, the use of this technique in practice is conditioned by a feasible solution to implement reinforcement in such automated process. One of the most successful ductile materials in civil engineering, strain hardening cementitious composites (SHCC) have a high potential to be employed for three-dimensional printing. The match between the tailored brittle matrix and ductility of the fibres enables these composites to develop multiple cracks when loaded under tension. Using previously developed mixtures, this study investigates the physical and mechanical performance of printed SHCC. The anisotropic behavior of the materials is explored by means of mechanical tests in several directions and micro computed tomography tests. The results demonstrated a composite showing strain hardening behavior in two directions explained by the fibre orientation found in the printed elements. Moreover, the printing technique used also has guaranteed an enhanced bond in between the printed layers.
Project description:It has been reported for a long time that methane hydrate presents strain hardening, whereas the strength of normal ice weakens with increasing strain after an ultimate strength. However, the microscopic origin of these differences is not known. Here, we investigated the mechanical characteristics of methane hydrate and normal ice by compressive deformation test using molecular dynamics simulations. It is shown that methane hydrate exhibits strain hardening only if the hydrate is confined to a certain finite cross-sectional area that is normal to the compression direction. For normal ice, it does not present strain hardening under the same conditions. We show that hydrate guest methane molecules exhibit no long-distance diffusion when confined to a finite-size area. They appear to serve as non-deformable units that prevent hydrate structure failure, and thus are responsible for the strain-hardening phenomenon.
Project description:The large amplitude oscillatory shear behavior of metallo-supramolecular polymer networks formed by adding bis-Pd(II) cross-linkers to poly(4-vinylpyridine) (PVP) in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) solution is reported. The influence of scanning frequency, dissociation rate of cross-linkers, concentration of cross-linkers, and concentration of PVP solution on the large amplitude oscillatory shear behavior is explored. In semidilute unentangled PVP solutions, above a critical scanning frequency, strain hardening of both storage moduli and loss moduli is observed. In the semidilute entangled regime of PVP solution, however, strain softening is observed for samples with faster cross-linkers (k(d) ∼ 1450 s(-1)), whereas strain hardening is observed for samples with slower cross-linkers (k(d) ∼ 17 s(-1)). The mechanism of strain hardening is attributed primarily to a strain-induced increase in the number of elastically active chains, with possible contributions from non-Gaussian stretching of polymer chains at strains approaching network fracture. The divergent strain softening of samples with faster cross-linkers in semidilute entangled PVP solutions, relative to the strain hardening of samples with slower cross-linkers, is consistent with observed shear thinning/shear thickening behavior reported previously and is attributed to the fact that the average time that a cross-linker remains detached is too short to permit the local relaxation of polymer chain segments that is necessary for a net conversion of elastically inactive to elastically active cross-linkers. These and other observations paint a picture in which strain softening and shear thinning arise from the same set of molecular mechanisms, conceptually uniting the two nonlinear responses for this system.
Project description:The data presented in this paper refer to the research article "Dry and Hydrated Defective Molybdenum Disulfide/Graphene Bilayer Heterojunction Under Strain for Hydrogen Evolution from Water Splitting: A First-principle Study". Here, we present the Density Functional Theory (DFT) data used to generate optimal geometries and electronic structure for the MoS2/graphene heterostructure under strain, for dry and hydrated pristine and defect configurations. We also report DFT data used to obtain hydrogen Gibbs free energies for adsorption on the MoS2 monolayer and on graphene of the heterostructure. The DFT data were calculated using the periodic DFT code CRYSTAL17, which employs Gaussian basis functions, under the hybrid functionals PBE0 and HSE06. Moreover, we also report the data used for Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules (QTAIM) and Non-covalent Interaction (NCI) analysis calculations. These data were obtained using the optimized unit cell configurations from the periodic DFT and inputted to Gamess program, thus generating files that could be read by the Multiwfn program used for QTAIM and NCI calculations.
Project description:Tungsten is the main candidate material for plasma-facing armour components in future fusion reactors. In-service, fusion neutron irradiation creates lattice defects through collision cascades. Helium, injected from plasma, aggravates damage by increasing defect retention. Both can be mimicked using helium-ion-implantation. In a recent study on 3000 appm helium-implanted tungsten (W-3000He), we hypothesized helium-induced irradiation hardening, followed by softening during deformation. The hypothesis was founded on observations of large increase in hardness, substantial pile-up and slip-step formation around nano-indents and Laue diffraction measurements of localised deformation underlying indents. Here we test this hypothesis by implementing it in a crystal plasticity finite element (CPFE) formulation, simulating nano-indentation in W-3000He at 300 K. The model considers thermally-activated dislocation glide through helium-defect obstacles, whose barrier strength is derived as a function of defect concentration and morphology. Only one fitting parameter is used for the simulated helium-implanted tungsten; defect removal rate. The simulation captures the localised large pile-up remarkably well and predicts confined fields of lattice distortions and geometrically necessary dislocation underlying indents which agree quantitatively with previous Laue measurements. Strain localisation is further confirmed through high resolution electron backscatter diffraction and transmission electron microscopy measurements on cross-section lift-outs from centre of nano-indents in W-3000He.
Project description:Magnetoelasticity is the bond between magnetism and mechanics, but the intricate mechanisms via which magnetic states change due to mechanical strain remain poorly understood. Here, we provide direct nanoscale observations of how tensile strain modifies magnetic domains in a ferromagnetic Ni thin plate using in situ Fresnel defocus imaging, off-axis electron holography and a bimetallic deformation device. We present quantitative measurements of magnetic domain wall structure and its transformations as a function of strain. We observe the formation and dissociation of strain-induced periodic 180° magnetic domain walls perpendicular to the strain axis. The magnetization transformation exhibits stress-determined directional sensitivity and is reversible and tunable through the size of the nanostructure. In this work, we provide direct evidence for expressive and deterministic magnetic hardening in ferromagnetic nanostructures, while our experimental approach allows quantifiable local measurements of strain-induced changes in the magnetic states of nanomaterials.