ABSTRACT: Carbon monoxide dehydrogenases (CO-DH) are the enzymes responsible for the oxidation of CO to carbon dioxide in carboxydobacteria and consist of three nonidentical subunits containing molybdopterin flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), and two different iron-sulfur clusters (O. Meyer, K. Frunzke, D. Gadkari, S. Jacobitz, I. Hugendieck, and M. Kraut, FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 87:253-260, 1990). The three structural genes of CO-DH in Hydrogenophaga pseudoflava were cloned and characterized. The genes were clustered on the chromosome in the transcriptional order cutM-cutS-cutL. The cloned cutM, cutS, and cutL genes had open reading frames of 864, 492, and 2,412 nucleotides, coding for proteins with calculated molecular weights of 30,694, 17,752, and 87,224, respectively. The overall identities in the nucleotide sequence of the genes and the amino acid sequence of the subunits with those of other carboxydobacteria were 64.5 to 74.3% and 62.8 to 72.3%, respectively. Primer extension analysis revealed that the transcriptional start site of the genes was the nucleotide G located 47 bp upstream of the cutM start codon. The deduced amino acid sequences of the three subunits of CO-DH implied the presence of molybdenum cofactor, FAD, and iron-sulfur centers in CutL, CutM, and CutS, respectively. Fluorometric analysis coupled with denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of fractions from hydroxyapatite column chromatography in the presence of 8 M urea of active CO-DH and from gel filtration of spontaneously inactivated enzyme revealed that the large and medium subunits of CO-DH in H. pseudoflava bind molybdopterin and FAD cofactors, respectively. Iron-sulfur centers of the enzyme were identified to be present in the small subunit on the basis of the iron content in each subunit eluted from the denaturing polyacrylamide gels.