Project description:To compare the similarities and differences in species diversity of the gut microbiota between the patients with melasma and healthy subjects. The feces were collected for 16S rRNA sequencing analysis of the gut microbiota.
Project description:Analysis of breast cancer survivors' gut microbiota after lifestyle intervention, during the COVID-19 lockdown, by 16S sequencing of fecal samples.
Project description:Chronic acid suppression by proton pump inhibitor (PPI) has been hypothesized to alter the gut microbiota via a change in intestinal pH. To evaluate the changes in gut microbiota composition by long-term PPI treatment. Twenty-four week old F344 rats were fed with (n = 5) or without (n = 6) lansoprazole (PPI) for 50 weeks. Then, profiles of luminal microbiota in the terminal ileum were analyzed. Pyrosequencing for 16S rRNA gene was performed by genome sequencer FLX (454 Life Sciences/Roche) and analyzed by metagenomic bioinformatics.
Project description:Gut microbial profiling of uterine fibroids (UFs) patients comparing control subjects. The gut microbiota was examined by 16S rRNA quantitative arrays and bioinformatics analysis. The goal was to reveal alterations in the gut microbiome of uterine fibroids patients.
Project description:This study aimed to analyze changes in gut microbiota composition in mice after transplantation of fecal microbiota (FMT, N = 6) from the feces of NSCLC patients by analyzing fecal content using 16S rRNA sequencing, 10 days after transplantation. Specific-pathogen-free (SPF) mice were used for each experiments (N=4) as controls.
Project description:We conducted 16S rRNA sequencing analyse on colonic contents to evaluate whether forced loss led to alterations in gut microbiota composition and function.
Project description:Given the criticle role of gut bacteria involve in number of diseases, the gut microbiota from young and aged people were estimated using 16s rRNA next-generation sequencing. This study will benefit to identify the role of gut bacteria on the pathegenic mechasim of aging relative diseases.
Project description:To address the role of gut microbiota in the development of paclitaxel-induced peripheral neuropathy (PIPN), we performed 16S rRNA sequencing analysis of feces samples at 14 days and 28 days after the initiation of paclitaxel or vehicle injections.
Project description:Fecal samples collected on day 5 from randomly selected colitic SD rats were analyzed for gut microbiota by sequencing the V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene. The orally administered Dex-P-laden NPA2 coacervate (Dex-P/NPA2) significantly restores the diversity of gut microbiota compared with colitic SD rats in the Dex-P/PBS group and the untreated colitic rats (Control).