Project description:Soft tissue sarcomas are aggressive mesenchymal cancers that affect more than 10,600 new patients per year in the US, about 40% of whom will die of their disease. Soft tissue sarcomas exhibit remarkable histologic diversity, with more than 50 recognized subtypes, but our knowledge of their genomic alterations is limited. Here we describe the results of an integrative analysis of DNA sequence, copy number, and mRNA expression in 207 samples encompassing seven major subtypes. Genes mutated in more than 5% of samples within a subtype were KIT (in gastrointestinal stromal cell tumors, or GISTs), TP53 (pleomorphic liposarcomas), PIK3CA (myxoid/round-cell liposarcoma), and NF1 (both myxofibrosarcoma and pleomorphic liposarcoma). We show evidence that PIK3CA mutations, found in 18% of myxoid/round-cell liposarcomas, activate AKT in vivo and are associated with poor outcomes. Point mutations in the tumor suppressor gene NF1 were discovered in both myxofibrosarcomas and pleomorphic liposarcomas, while genomic deletions were observed in all subtypes at varying frequencies. Finally, we found that short hairpin RNA-based knockdown of a subset of genes that are amplified in dedifferentiated liposarcoma, including CDK4 and YEATS4, decreased cell proliferation. Our study yields the most detailed map of molecular alterations across diverse sarcoma subtypes to date and provides potential subtype-specific targets for therapy. Human soft tissue sarcoma samples and their matched normal DNA were profiled on Affymetrix 250K SNP (Sty) arrays per manufacturer's instructions
Project description:We examined gene expression patterns in canine soft tissue sarcomas using RNA-seq analysis of samples obtained from archived formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tumors.
Project description:SCX fractiond, TMT labeled pleomorphic soft-tissue sarcomas. 32 raw files (8x4) plus 8 pools (also TMT labeled) corresponding to each SCX fraction are submitted. The latter were used to propagate identifications across the runs.
Project description:Soft tissue sarcomas are aggressive mesenchymal cancers that affect more than 10,600 new patients per year in the US, about 40% of whom will die of their disease. Soft tissue sarcomas exhibit remarkable histologic diversity, with more than 50 recognized subtypes, but our knowledge of their genomic alterations is limited. Here we describe the results of an integrative analysis of DNA sequence, copy number, and mRNA expression in 207 samples encompassing seven major subtypes. Genes mutated in more than 5% of samples within a subtype were KIT (in gastrointestinal stromal cell tumors, or GISTs), TP53 (pleomorphic liposarcomas), PIK3CA (myxoid/round-cell liposarcoma), and NF1 (both myxofibrosarcoma and pleomorphic liposarcoma). We show evidence that PIK3CA mutations, found in 18% of myxoid/round-cell liposarcomas, activate AKT in vivo and are associated with poor outcomes. Point mutations in the tumor suppressor gene NF1 were discovered in both myxofibrosarcomas and pleomorphic liposarcomas, while genomic deletions were observed in all subtypes at varying frequencies. Finally, we found that short hairpin RNA-based knockdown of a subset of genes that are amplified in dedifferentiated liposarcoma, including CDK4 and YEATS4, decreased cell proliferation. Our study yields the most detailed map of molecular alterations across diverse sarcoma subtypes to date and provides potential subtype-specific targets for therapy.
Project description:For this study, we selected, from the French Sarcoma Group (FSG) database, soft tissue sarcomas with no recurrent chromosomal translocations and for which a frozen tissue of the untreated primary tumor was available. Three hundred and ten sarcomas have been studied. They are split in two cohorts. We used microarrays to detail the global programme of gene expression underlying the tumor biology Every cases has been histologically reviewed by the pathologist subgroup and classified according to the 2002 WHO classification using histology, immunohistochemistry and molecular genetic and cytogenetic when needed
Project description:Soft tissue sarcomas (STS) are rare and diverse mesenchymal cancers with limited treatment options. Here we undertake comprehensive proteomic profiling of formalin-fixed paraffin embedded tumour specimens from 321 STS patients representing 11 histological subtypes.
Project description:NG2/CSPG4 is expressed in soft tissue sarcomas, however, its function in this tumor type, and its capacity to serve as a therapeutic target are unknown. Here, we used genetically engineered mice and cells from human tumors to determine the function of Ng2/Cspg4 in soft tissue sarcoma initiation and growth. We also investigated the potential for NG2/CSPG4 mAb immunotherapy to target human sarcomas established as xenografts in mice. Inhibiting Ng2/Cspg4 expression in established soft tissue sarcomas is associated with a smaller tumor volume and a reduction in cell proliferation. Intriguingly, deleting Ng2/Cspg4 at the time of tumor initiation has the opposite effect. Gene profiling found that Igfbp3/5 are substantially downregulated when Ng2/Cspg4 is depleted at the time of tumor initiation, but upregulated or only minimally downregulated when Ng2/Cspg4 is depleted after tumor initiation. Furthermore, the normal regulation of Igfbp is blunted when Ng2/Cspg4 is deleted at the time of tumor initiation. Our data show a difference in NG2/CSPG4 function in tumor initiation and maintenance, and provides pre-clinical evidence supporting NG2/CSPG4 as a therapeutic approach in soft tissue sarcoma.
Project description:The tumor microenvironment plays a crucial role in soft tissue sarcoma development and response to therapy. We used spatial transcriptomics to analyze the spatial distribution of malignant, immune, and other stromal cells present within soft tissue sarcomas.
Project description:Soft tissue sarcomas are aggressive mesenchymal cancers that affect more than 10,600 new patients per year in the US, about 40% of whom will die of their disease. Soft tissue sarcomas exhibit remarkable histologic diversity, with more than 50 recognized subtypes, but our knowledge of their genomic alterations is limited. Here we describe the results of an integrative analysis of DNA sequence, copy number, and mRNA expression in 207 samples encompassing seven major subtypes. Genes mutated in more than 5% of samples within a subtype were KIT (in gastrointestinal stromal cell tumors, or GISTs), TP53 (pleomorphic liposarcomas), PIK3CA (myxoid/round-cell liposarcoma), and NF1 (both myxofibrosarcoma and pleomorphic liposarcoma). We show evidence that PIK3CA mutations, found in 18% of myxoid/round-cell liposarcomas, activate AKT in vivo and are associated with poor outcomes. Point mutations in the tumor suppressor gene NF1 were discovered in both myxofibrosarcomas and pleomorphic liposarcomas, while genomic deletions were observed in all subtypes at varying frequencies. Finally, we found that short hairpin RNA-based knockdown of a subset of genes that are amplified in dedifferentiated liposarcoma, including CDK4 and YEATS4, decreased cell proliferation. Our study yields the most detailed map of molecular alterations across diverse sarcoma subtypes to date and provides potential subtype-specific targets for therapy. Human soft-tissue sarcoma specimens were profiled on Affymetrix U133A arrays per manufacturer's instructions.