Project description:The receptor-interacting protein kinase 3 (RIPK3) is a multi-functional protein best known for facilitating cellular necroptosis and inflammation. Recent evidence from our lab indicates that RIPK3 expression must be tightly regulated in endothelial cells to promote angiogenesis and maintain vascular integrity during embryogenesis and to provide protection from postnatal atherosclerosis. RIPK3 activity and stability are regulated by post-translational modifications and caspase-dependent cleavage. However, less is known about the transcriptional regulation of Ripk3. Here we utilized an unbiased CRISPR-based technology called genomic locus proteomics (GLoPro) to screen transcription factors and coregulatory proteins associated with the Ripk3 locus in a murine endothelial cell line. We found that 41 nuclear proteins are specifically enriched at the Ripk3 locus, including the Nuclear Factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-kB) signaling pathway components NFkB1 and IKBKG. We further verified that NFkB1 and IKBKG directly bind the Ripk3 promoter and prevent TNFa-induced Ripk3 transcription in cultured human primary endothelial cells. Moreover, NFkB1 prevents RIPK3-mediated death of primary endothelial cells. These data provide new insights into NF-kB signaling and Ripk3 transcriptional regulation in endothelial cells.
Project description:Pathologic differentiation of tissue of origin in tumors found in the lung can be challenging, with differentiation of mesothelioma and lung adenocarcinoma emblematic of this problem. Indeed, proper classification is essential for determination of treatment regimen for these diseases, making accurate and early diagnosis critical. Here we investigate the potential of epigenetic profiles of lung adenocarcinoma, mesothelioma, and non-malignant pulmonary tissues (n=285) as differentiation markers in an analysis of DNA methylation at 1413 autosomal CpG loci associated with 773 cancer-related genes. Using an unsupervised recursively-partitioned mixture modeling technique for all samples, the derived methylation profile classes were significantly associated with sample type (P < 0.0001). In a similar analysis restricted to tumors, methylation profile classes significantly predicted tumor type (P < 0.0001). Random forests classification of CpG methylation of tumors - which splits the data into training and test sets - accurately differentiated MPM from lung adenocarcinoma over 99% of the time (P < 0.0001). In a locus-by-locus comparison of CpG methylation between tumor types, 1266 CpG loci had significantly different methylation between tumors following correction for multiple comparisons (Q < 0.05); 61% had higher methylation in adenocarcinoma. Using the CpG loci with significant differential methylation in a pathways analysis revealed significant enrichment of methylated gene-loci in Cell Cycle Regulation, DNA Damage Response, PTEN Signaling, and Apoptosis Signaling pathways in lung adenocarcinoma when compared to mesothelioma. Methylation-profile-based differentiation of lung adenocarcinoma and mesothelioma is highly accurate, informs on the distinct etiologies of these diseases, and holds promise for clinical application.
Project description:Pathologic differentiation of tissue of origin in tumors found in the lung can be challenging, with differentiation of mesothelioma and lung adenocarcinoma emblematic of this problem. Indeed, proper classification is essential for determination of treatment regimen for these diseases, making accurate and early diagnosis critical. Here we investigate the potential of epigenetic profiles of lung adenocarcinoma, mesothelioma, and non-malignant pulmonary tissues (n=285) as differentiation markers in an analysis of DNA methylation at 1413 autosomal CpG loci associated with 773 cancer-related genes. Using an unsupervised recursively-partitioned mixture modeling technique for all samples, the derived methylation profile classes were significantly associated with sample type (P < 0.0001). In a similar analysis restricted to tumors, methylation profile classes significantly predicted tumor type (P < 0.0001). Random forests classification of CpG methylation of tumors - which splits the data into training and test sets - accurately differentiated MPM from lung adenocarcinoma over 99% of the time (P < 0.0001). In a locus-by-locus comparison of CpG methylation between tumor types, 1266 CpG loci had significantly different methylation between tumors following correction for multiple comparisons (Q < 0.05); 61% had higher methylation in adenocarcinoma. Using the CpG loci with significant differential methylation in a pathways analysis revealed significant enrichment of methylated gene-loci in Cell Cycle Regulation, DNA Damage Response, PTEN Signaling, and Apoptosis Signaling pathways in lung adenocarcinoma when compared to mesothelioma. Methylation-profile-based differentiation of lung adenocarcinoma and mesothelioma is highly accurate, informs on the distinct etiologies of these diseases, and holds promise for clinical application. Mesotheliomas (n=158) and grossly non-tumorigenic parietal pleura (n=18) were obtained following surgical resection at Brigham and Womenâ??s Hospital through the International Mesothelioma Program from a pilot study conducted in 2002 (n=70) and an incident case series beginning in 2005 (n=88) with a participation rate of 85%. We used biopsy specimens from patients treated for NSCLC at the Massachusetts General Hospital from 1992 â?? 1996 (18) including lung adenocarcinomas (n=57) and non-malignant pulmonary tissues (n=48) (of which 22 (39%) were taken from the adenocarcinoma patients) (18). Additional normal lung tissues were obtained from the National Disease Research Interchange from donors free of lung malignancy (n=4).
Project description:Pathogen recognition receptors and TNF superfamily members engage Receptor Interacting Serine/threonine Kinase-3 (RIPK3) to activate programmed cell death, including MLKL-mediated necroptosis and caspase-8-dependent apoptosis. However, the post-translational control of RIPK3 signalling is not fully understood. Using mass-spectrometry, we identified a novel ubiquitylation site on murine RIPK3 beyond the RIP homotypic interaction motif (RHIM) on K469. Complementation of RIPK3-deficient cells with a Ripk3K469R mutant demonstrated that the decoration of RIPK3 K469 by ubiquitin limits both RIPK3-mediated caspase-8 activation and apoptotic killing, in addition to RIPK3 autophosphorylation and MLKL-mediated necroptosis. Unexpectedly, the overall ubiquitylation of mutant RIPK3K469R was enhanced, which largely resulted from additional RIPK3 ubiquitylation on K359. Loss of RIPK3 K359 ubiquitylation reduced RIPK3K469R hyper-ubiquitylation and limited the ability of Ripk3K469R/K469R to trigger enhanced killing. Ripk3K469R/K469R mice challenged with Salmonella displayed increased bacterial loads in the spleen and liver, with reduced IFN serum levels. Therefore, RIPK3 K469 ubiquitylation can function to prevent RIPK3 ubiquitylation on alternate lysine residues, which otherwise promote RIPK3 oligomerization and consequent cell death signalling.
Project description:RIPK4 but not the related kinases RIPK1, RIPK2, and RIPK3 caused similar transcriptional changes to Wnt3a. PA1 cells were transfected by 8ug RIPK1, RIPK2, RIPK3, or RIPK4 for 48h, RNA were extracted and sequenced.
Project description:Immunoaffinity purification was performed on human mesothelioma cell lines NCI-H2452, NCI-H28, MSTO-211H and JL1, on murine mesothelioma cell line AB12, as well as on mesothelioma samples from two patients (including tumor and benign tissues). Thereafter Immunopeptidomics by Mass Spectrometry on a Tims TOF Pro revealed the MHC peptide landscape of mesothelioma.
Project description:We identified TRIM28 as a co-repressor that regulates transcriptional activity during necroptosis. RIPK3 activation induces TRIM28 phosphorylation at serine 473, inhibiting its chromatin binding activity, thereby contributing to the transactivation of NF-κB and other transcription factors, such as SOX9. This leads to elevated cytokine expression, which then potentiates immunoregulatory processes, such as DC maturation. The expression of RIPK3 has a significant positive association with the tumor-infiltrating immune cells populations in various tumor type, thereby activating anti-cancer responses.
Project description:RNA from two murine mesothelioma cell lines (AC29 and AB1) was extracted and hybridized to Affymetrix Microarrays to compare gene expression. Both mesothelioma cell lines were established following intraperitoneal introduction of crocidolite (asbestos) fibers (Davis et al. 1992) in CBA mice (AC29 cell line), and BALB/c mice (AB1).
Project description:Malignant pleural mesotheliomas (MPMs) often show CDKN2A and NF2 inactivation but other highly recurrent mutations have not been described. To identify additional driver genes, we used an integrated genomic analysis of 53 MPM tumor samples to guide a focused sequencing effort that uncovered somatic inactivating mutations in BAP1 in 23% of MPM. The BAP1 nuclear deubiquitinase is known to target histones (together with ASXL1 as a Polycomb repressor subunit) and the HCF1 transcriptional co-factor, and we show that BAP1 knockdown in MPM cell lines affects E2F and Polycomb target genes. These findings implicate transcriptional deregulation in the pathogenesis of MPM. DNA from 53 malignant pleural mesothelioma tumors was collected and hybridized to aCGH arrays. Data were analyzed to create gain and loss profiles for each tumor. This submission includes gcNormalized-data.