
Dataset Information


RNA sequencing analysis of unchallenged, PBS injected and S. pneumoniae infected pcsk9 KO and WT zebrafish

ABSTRACT: Purpose: S. pneumoniae infection in both zebrafish larvae and adult fish can be used to model pneumococcal bacteremia. Here, we used unchallenged, PBS injected and S. pneumoniae (T4) infected adult zebrafish to study the genome-wide role of pcsk9 in vivo in steady-state and upon immune system stimulation. Methods: Adult pcsk9 KO zebrafish and their WT siblings were infected with S. pneumoniae (3,370,000 CFU; SD 840,000 CFU) and their total liver RNA isolated at 1-day post infection. RNA-sequencing data was produced by NovaSeq. Data processing pipeline was built on Snakemake wrappers, and used STAR to quantify features from quality and adapter trimmed reads in gene level. Prior to the normalisation and differential gene expression analysis with DESeq2, the matrix of raw gene counts was prefiltered to keep only rows that have at least 10 reads total and then split by treatment to analyze each case separately. Result tables were annotated with biomaRt. Results: Snakemake preprocessing pipeline measured 32,520 genes against GRCz11, ENSEMBL release 97. 20,709 of them was used for statistical testing. Full result tables for each treatment were ranked by p-value and the normalized DESeq2 abundances in samples were included. The genes with BH-adjusted p-value <0.05 was considered differentially expressed. Conclusions: Our study identified up- and down-regulated genes in unchallenged, PBS injected and pneumococcal infected pcsk9 KO zebrafish liver compared to WT zebrafish.

ORGANISM(S): Danio rerio

PROVIDER: GSE165508 | GEO | 2021/07/02


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