Project description:Survey of gene expression in 9 types of C57/Bl mouse wild type tissue. RNA was extracted from homogenized whole organs/tissues and include brain, spleen, liver, thymus, kidney, lung, testes, bone marrow, and lymph node. 8 week old male littermate C57/Bl mice
Project description:Expression arrays comparing Campylobacter jejuni 11168 before and after serial passage in C57 BL/6 IL-10 deficient mice. Transcript abundance was compared between C. jejuni variants during growth in the ceca of C57 BL/6 IL-10 deficient germ-free mice.
Project description:Wild type and CCR2-/- C57 mice were gavaged with carboxyl methyl cellulose (1%) or N-nitrosomethylbenzylamine(NMBA) 0.25 mg/kg body weight (BW) twice per week for 5 weeks. At the end of Week 25, the forestomach were harvested to carry out RNA resequencing. We found that CCR2 mediated monocyte infiltration promoted tumor evasion through activating PD-1 signaling pahtway.
Project description:This set consists of small RNAs sequenced from wild-type Arabidopsis samples from multiple tissue types (floral, leaf, seedling, silique). Samples were prepared in two different labs and presumably under different (unknown) growth conditions, hence type A (UEA) and type B (University of Cambridge) samples.
Project description:We systematically evaluated the expression pattern and function of ENO1 in BL and clarified that ENO1, regulated by cMyc, can promote BL cell proliferation and metastasis by activating TGFβ1 signaling pathways in a plasmin-mediated manner. Through structure-based virtual screening, we successfully discovered Ciwujianoside E (L-06) as a novel ENO1 inhibitor which can limit BL cell proliferation and dissemination in vitro and in vivo.
Project description:Experiment to examine the miRNA profiles of a wild type C57 and 129 mouse retina versus a retina from a mouse model of retinitis pigmentoas (Pro347Ser)
Project description:[Background]: Nervous system of higher eukaryotes is composed of numerous types of neurons and glia, which together orchestrate complex neuronal responses. However, the complex pool of cells usually poses analytic challenges to investigate gene expression profile and its epigenetic basis in specific cell type. Here we developed a novel method that enables cell-type-specific analyses of epigenetic modification using tandem chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (tChIP-Seq). [Results]: FLAG-tagged histone H2B, a constitutive chromatin component, was firstly expressed in Camk2a-positive pyramidal cortical neurons and was used to purify the chromatin in a cell-type-specific manner. The subsequent chromatin immunoprecipitation using antibodies against H3K4me3—an active promoter mark—allowed us to survey neuron specific coding and noncoding transcripts. Indeed, tChIP-Seq identified hundreds of genes associated with neuronal functions as well as genes with unknown function expressed in cortical neurons. [Conclusions]: tChIP-Seq thus provides a versatile approach to investigate epigenetic modifications of particular cell types in vivo.
Project description:Expression arrays comparing Campylobacter jejuni 11168 before and after serial passage in C57 BL/6 IL-10 deficient mice. Transcript abundance was compared between C. jejuni variants during growth in the ceca of C57 BL/6 IL-10 deficient germ-free mice. Unpassaged (p0) C. jejuni 11168 was compared to the same strain after three passages (p3) through the mice. Biological replicates: 4; 2 biological replicates were dye swaps.
Project description:Expression arrays comparing Campylobacter jejuni 11168 before and after serial passage in C57 BL/6 IL-10 deficient mice. Gene expression was compared during exponential growth in Bolton broth.