Expression profiling of erythroid developmental subsets isolated from mouse fetal liver.
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: The S1 and S3 erythroid developmental subsets were isolated using flow cytometry and the cell surface markers CD71 and Ter119 as described by Pop et. al. 2010 (PMID: 20877475) Expression profiles for S1 and S3 subsets were generated using Affymetrix GeneChips. Results were used to identify genes that are differentially expressed during erythropoiesis.
Project description:The S1 and S3 erythroid developmental subsets were isolated using flow cytometry and the cell surface markers CD71 and Ter119 as described by Pop et. al. 2010 (PMID: 20877475) Expression profiles for S1 and S3 subsets were generated using Affymetrix GeneChips. Results were used to identify genes that are differentially expressed during erythropoiesis. Single cell suspensions were prepared by mechanically dissociating whole fetal livers obtained from E12.5 to E13.5 Balb/C mouse embryos. Cells were stained for CD71, Ter119, and a cocktail containing lineage-specific antibodies. S1 and S3 erythroid developmental subsets were identified and isolated using flow cytometric sorting as described by Pop et. al. 2010 (PMID: 20877475). S1 and S3 subsets were isolated on 3 seperate days to generate total RNA (biological replicates). 20 ng of total RNA from each biological replicate was converted to cDNA, linearly amplified and biotinylated using Ovation reagents (Nugen, San Carlos, CA). Samples were hybridized to Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Arrays (Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA). Microarray suite 5 (MAS5) processed sample data were normalized to the average of 18SRNA (AFFX-18SRNAMur/X00686_M_at), GAPDH (AFFX-GapdhMur/M32599_3_at) and M-NM-2-actin (1419734_at) expression values. These gene expression profiles were performed as part of the manuscript by Shearstone et. al. Global DNA Demethylation During Erythropoiesis In Vivo
Project description:microRNA miR-144/451 is highly expressed during erythropoiesis. We deleted the miR-144/451 gene locus in mice and compared the transcriptomes of miR-144/451-null bone marrow erythroid precursors to stage-matched wild-type control cells. Ter119+/CD71+/FSC-high bone marrow erythroblasts were sorted directly into Trizol LS reagent. Total RNAs extracted from three miR-144/451 knock-out and three wide type mice were analyzed using Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Arrays.
Project description:Transcription cofactor Rcor1 has been linked biochemically both to neurogenesis and hematopoiesis. Here we studied the function of Rcor1 in vivo and showed it is essential to erythropoeisis during embryonic development. Rcor1 mutant proerythroblasts, unlike normal cells, can form myeloid colonies in vitro. To investigate the underlying molecular mechanisms for block of erythropoiesis and increased myeloid potential, we used RNA-seq to reveal the differentially expressed genes from erythroid progenitors due to depletion of Rcor1. RNA were extracted from FACS sorted CD71+,TER119- erythroid progenitors from control (Rcor1+/+ and Rcor1+/-) or Mutant (Rcor1-/- ) E13.5 fetal liver. Each library was made by pooling RNA from several fetal livers. Two biological replicates were made for either control or mutant condition.
Project description:The developing erythroid cells require highly coordinated gene expression and metabolism. By comparing the proteomic and transcriptomic changes in human hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs) and lineage-committed erythroid progenitors (ProEs), and uncover pathways related to mitochondrial biogenesis enhanced through post-transcriptional regulation. Two principal mitochondrial factors TFAM and PHB2 are tightly regulated at the protein level and indispensable for mitochondria and erythropoiesis. To determine the role of TFAM in mitochondrial function during erythroid development, we generated Tfam conditional knockout (KO) mice by an erythroid-specific EpoR-Cre allele. We isolated the CD71+Ter119+ embryonic day (E)13.5 fetal liver erythroid cells by FACS sorting, and performed RNA-seq transcriptional profiling analysis.
Project description:Using RNA-seq technology, we quantitatively determined the expression profile of microRNAs during mouse terminal erythroid differentiation. CFU-E erythroid progenitors were isolated from E14.5 fetal liver as the Ter119, B220, Mac-1, CD3 and Gr-1 negative, C-Kit positive and 20% high CD71 population. Mature Ter119+ erythroblasts were isolated from E14.5 fetal liver as C-Kit negative and Ter119 positive population. Consistent with nuclear condensation and global gene expression shut down during terminal erythroid differentiation, we found that the majority of microRNAs are downregulated in more mature Ter119+ erythroblasts compared with CFU-E erythroid progenitors.
Project description:The modulation of chromatin structure is a key step in transcription regulation in eukaryotic cells. Mammalian erythropoiesis is accompanied by dynamic alterations in chromatin structure and gene expression, but the epigenetic regulators that modulate and coordinate these changes are largely unknown. USF, Setd1a and NURF complexes interact to regulate chromatin architecture in erythropoiesis, but the basis for this regulation is unknown. We studied this process using both murine and human models of erythropoiesis. In human primary erythroid cells, H3K4me3, USF1/2, and BPTF, a component of the NURF complex, were significantly co-enriched at more than 50% of transcription start sites (TSSs) of erythroid genes, associated with repositioning of promoter- or enhancer-associated nucleosomes. Depletion of Setd1a, an H3K4 trimethylase, led to a reduction of promoter-associated H3K4 methylation, inhibition of gene transcription and blockade of erythroid differentiation. This was associated with alterations in NURF complex-mediated nucleosome repositioning at erythroid gene promoters and chromatin accessibility. Setd1a deficiency caused decreased associations between the LCR and the -major globin promoter as well as reduced expression of the adult β-globin gene. In vivo, mice deficient for Setd1a in the erythroid compartment resulted in reduced Ter119/CD71 positive bone marrow erythroblasts, peripheral blood RBCs, and hemoglobin levels. These data indicate that Setd1a and NURF complexes coordinately regulate erythroid promoter chromatin dynamics during erythroid differentiation.
Project description:Ter-119 is a better murine erythroid selection marker than CD71 for bulk immunomics, murine bone marrow and fetal liver erythroid cells have different antimicrobial immune transcriptome signatures, murine bone marrow erythropoiesis is comprised of two branches In this study, we decided to benchmark erythroid cells’ selection and enrichment markers – CD71 and Ter-119 via bulk immune transcriptomics by Nanostring and perform bulk immune transcriptome profiling of Ter-119+ erythroid cells from the bone marrow and the fetal liver by Nanostring.
Project description:Using RNA-seq technology, we quantitatively determined the expression profile of microRNAs during mouse terminal erythroid differentiation. CFU-E erythroid progenitors were isolated from E14.5 fetal liver as the Ter119, B220, Mac-1, CD3 and Gr-1 negative, C-Kit positive and 20% high CD71 population. Mature Ter119+ erythroblasts were isolated from E14.5 fetal liver as C-Kit negative and Ter119 positive population. Consistent with nuclear condensation and global gene expression shut down during terminal erythroid differentiation, we found that the majority of microRNAs are downregulated in more mature Ter119+ erythroblasts compared with CFU-E erythroid progenitors. Examination of microRNA expression profiles in 2 cell types
Project description:Erythropoiesis is regulated at multiple levels to ensure the proper generation of mature red cells under multiple physiological conditions. To probe the contribution of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) to this process, we examined >1 billion RNA-Seq reads of polyadenylated and nonpolyadenylated RNA from differentiating mouse fetal liver red blood cells, and identified 655 lncRNA genes including not only intergenic, antisense and intronic but also pseudogene and enhancer loci. Over 100 of these genes are previously unrecognized and highly erythroidspecific. By integrating genome-wide surveys of chromatin states, transcription factor occupancy, and tissue expression patterns, we identify multiple lncRNAs that are dynamically expressed during erythropoiesis, show epigenetic regulation and are targeted by key erythroid transcription factors GATA1, TAL1 or KLF1. We focus on 12 such candidates and find that they are nuclear-localized and exhibit complex developmental expression patterns. Depleting them severely impaired erythrocyte maturation, inhibiting cell size reduction and subsequent enucleation. One of them, alncRNA-EC7, is transcribed from an enhancer and is specifically needed for activation of the neighboring gene encoding BAND3. Our study provides an annotated catalog of erythroid lncRNAs, readily available through an online resource, and shows that diverse types of lncRNAs participate in the regulatory circuitry underlying erythropoiesis. one Ter119- total RNA, one Ter119+ total RNA, one Ter119+ poly(A)+ RNA, one Ter119+ poly(A)- RNA, all are Hi-seq Ilumina data
Project description:To verify the origin of TER cells from B lymphocytes,we profiled the differentially expressed genes in CD19+/TER119+/CD45+ cells by RNA-sequencing, with fetal liver-derived CD71+/TER119+/FSChigh cells (CECs) as erythroblast control and CD19+/TER119- cells as B-cell control.