ABSTRACT: The text description is: LNCaP are androgen receptor expressing prostate carcinoma cells. Genital skin fibroblasts also express the androgen receptor. Cells were either proliferating or they were G0-arrested. Treatment of cells was performed with either the androgen DHT (dihydrotestosterone), the androgen analogue R1881 (methyltrienolone), or the solvent ethanol. Some hybridizations were performed in the type 1 design. In these cases, the hormone treated sample was hybridized against the ethanol treated sample on the same microarray. Hormone mediated induction or repression of gene transcription can directly be deduced from R/G normalized ratios on arrays. For other experiments, the ethanol treated control and the hormone treated experiment were hybridized on separate microarrays against a common reference of RNA. This reference was composed out of common reference batch CRG (50%) and a fibroblast RNA (50%). This reference was called mixed reference. For all experiments, the same batch of mixed reference was used. A compound treatment design type is where the response to administration of a compound or chemical (including biological compounds such as hormones) is assayed. Compound Based Treatment: Ethanol, R1881 (methyltrienolone), or DHT (dihydrotestosterone) Cell Line: LNCaP (prostate cancer) or foreskin fibroblasts Culture Synchrony: proliferation / Go-arrest Keywords: compound_treatment_design
Project description:The text description is: LNCaP are androgen receptor expressing prostate carcinoma cells. Genital skin fibroblasts also express the androgen receptor. Cells were either proliferating or they were G0-arrested. Treatment of cells was performed with either the androgen DHT (dihydrotestosterone), the androgen analogue R1881 (methyltrienolone), or the solvent ethanol. Some hybridizations were performed in the type 1 design. In these cases, the hormone treated sample was hybridized against the ethanol treated sample on the same microarray. Hormone mediated induction or repression of gene transcription can directly be deduced from R/G normalized ratios on arrays. For other experiments, the ethanol treated control and the hormone treated experiment were hybridized on separate microarrays against a common reference of RNA. This reference was composed out of common reference batch CRG (50%) and a fibroblast RNA (50%). This reference was called mixed reference. For all experiments, the same batch of mixed reference was used. A compound treatment design type is where the response to administration of a compound or chemical (including biological compounds such as hormones) is assayed. Compound Based Treatment: Ethanol, R1881 (methyltrienolone), or DHT (dihydrotestosterone) Cell Line: LNCaP (prostate cancer) or foreskin fibroblasts Culture Synchrony: proliferation / Go-arrest Computed
Project description:The text description is: LNCaP are androgen receptor expressing prostate carcinoma cells. Genital skin fibroblasts also express the androgen receptor. Cells were either proliferating or they were G0-arrested. Treatment of cells was performed with either the androgen DHT (dihydrotestosterone), the androgen analogue R1881 (methyltrienolone), or the solvent ethanol. Hybridizations were performed in the type 1 design for arrays # 1-8. In these cases, the hormone treated sample was hybridized against the ethanol treated sample on the same microarray. Hormone mediated induction or repression of gene transcription can directly be deduced from R/G normalized ratios on arrays. For other experiments (#9-24), the ethanol treated control and the hormone treated experiment were hybridized on separate microarrays against a common reference of RNA. This reference was composed out of common reference batch CRG (50%) and a fibroblast RNA (50%). This reference was called mixed reference. For all experiments, the same batch of mixed reference was used.
Project description:LNCaP cells are an established androgen receptor expressing prostate carcinoma cell line. Human foreskin fibroblasts also expressing the androgen receptor were obtained from phenotypic normal male individuals. Cells were cultured either at confluency leading to G0 cell cycle state or while they were proliferating. Cells were either untreated, or treated with dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or ethanol (ETOH) which also served as the solvent for the DHT. All experimental RNA samples derived from the untreated or treated cell lines were hybridized on cDNA arrays against a common reference. This reference was composed out of common reference CRG (50%) and out of fibroblast RNA (50%). This reference is also called "mixed reference" in the description of the 26 individual experiments. A strain or line experiment design type assays differences between multiple strains, cultivars, serovars, isolates, lines from organisms of a single species. Compound Based Treatment: dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or ethanol (ETOH = solvent) Cell Line: genital fibroblast cell line or prostate carcinoma cell line (LNCaP) Culture Synchrony: Go or proliferation Keywords: strain_or_line_design
Project description:LNCaP cells are an established androgen receptor expressing prostate carcinoma cell line. Human foreskin fibroblasts also expressing the androgen receptor were obtained from phenotypic normal male individuals. Cells were cultured either at confluency leading to G0 cell cycle state or while they were proliferating. Cells were either untreated, or treated with dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or ethanol (ETOH) which also served as the solvent for the DHT. All experimental RNA samples derived from the untreated or treated cell lines were hybridized on cDNA arrays against a common reference. This reference was composed out of common reference CRG (50%) and out of fibroblast RNA (50%). This reference is also called "mixed reference" in the description of the 26 individual experiments. A strain or line experiment design type assays differences between multiple strains, cultivars, serovars, isolates, lines from organisms of a single species. Compound Based Treatment: dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or ethanol (ETOH = solvent) Cell Line: genital fibroblast cell line or prostate carcinoma cell line (LNCaP) Culture Synchrony: Go or proliferation Computed
Project description:Human scrotum and labia majora samples treated with DHT and/or AZA A compound treatment design type is where the response to administration of a compound or chemical (including biological compounds such as hormones) is assayed. Compound Based Treatment: dihydrotestosterone (DHT), 5-aza-deoxy-cytidine (AZA), none or both Cell Line: normal scrotum or labia majora derived from complete androgen insensitivity syndrome due to inactivating mutation of the androgen receptor gene
Project description:LNCaP cells are an established androgen receptor expressing prostate carcinoma cell line. Human foreskin fibroblasts also expressing the androgen receptor were obtained from phenotypic normal male individuals. Cells were cultured either at confluency leading to G0 cell cycle state or while they were proliferating. Cells were either untreated, or treated with dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or ethanol (ETOH) which also served as the solvent for the DHT. All experimental RNA samples derived from the untreated or treated cell lines were hybridized on cDNA arrays against a common reference. This reference was composed out of common reference CRG (50%) and out of fibroblast RNA (50%). This reference is also called "mixed reference" in the description of the 26 individual experiments.
Project description:Human scrotum and labia majora samples treated with DHT and/or AZA A compound treatment design type is where the response to administration of a compound or chemical (including biological compounds such as hormones) is assayed. Compound Based Treatment: dihydrotestosterone (DHT), 5-aza-deoxy-cytidine (AZA), none or both Cell Line: normal scrotum or labia majora derived from complete androgen insensitivity syndrome due to inactivating mutation of the androgen receptor gene Computed
Project description:Serum starved MDAMB453 cells were serum starved and treated for 4 hours with vehicle control (ethanol), 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT; 10nM) or medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA; 10nM). AR binidng peaks were determined. Subsequent analysis showed that binding sites for androgen receptor are enriched at breast cancer risk loci.
Project description:Arrays for Expression levels of androgen-responsive genes in LNCaP cells exposed to dihydrotestosterone, R1881. Gene-expression changes in LNCaP treated with 1 nmol/L R1881 at 7, 9, 18, 24, 50, and 72 hours; 10 nmol/L dihydrotestosterone at 18 and 50 hours; 100 nmol/L dihydrotestosterone and 1 5mol/L dihydrotestosterone at 24 hours; and androgen deprivation at 46 and 70 hours. This set corresponds to Figure 2 of the publication. An all pairs experiment design type is where all labeled extracts are compared to every other labeled extract. Keywords: all_pairs
Project description:Arrays for Expression levels of androgen-responsive genes in LNCaP cells exposed to dihydrotestosterone, R1881. Gene-expression changes in LNCaP treated with 1 nmol/L R1881 at 7, 9, 18, 24, 50, and 72 hours; 10 nmol/L dihydrotestosterone at 18 and 50 hours; 100 nmol/L dihydrotestosterone and 1 5mol/L dihydrotestosterone at 24 hours; and androgen deprivation at 46 and 70 hours.