
Dataset Information


Distinct Global Shifts in Genomic Binding Profiles of Limb Malformation Associated HOXD13 Mutations

ABSTRACT: We applied ChIP-seq to explore the effect of missense mutations in TFs on their genome wide binding profile. Using a retroviral expression system in chicken mesenchymal stem cells, we elucidated the mechanism underlying a novel missense mutation in HOXD13 (Q317K) associated with a complex hand and foot malformation phenotype. The glutamine at position 317 (position 50 of the homeodomain) is conserved in most homeodomains, a notable exception being bicoid-type homeodomains that have K at this position. Our results show that the mutation results in a shift in the binding profile of the mutant towards a bicoid/PITX1 motif. Gene expression analysis and functional assays using in vivo overexpression studies confirm that the mutation results in a partial conversion of HOXD13 into a TF with bicoid/PITX1 properties. A similar shift was not observed with the mutation Q317R, which is associated with brachysyndactyly, suggesting that the bicoid/PITX1-shift observed for Q317K might be related to the severe clinical phenotype.

ORGANISM(S): Gallus gallus

PROVIDER: GSE44799 | GEO | 2013/08/19



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