Project description:Comprehensive RNA-seq experiments in control and PRMT5 and WDR77 shRNA infected cells delineate the role of PRMT5/WDR77 complex in promoting breast cancer oncogenesis
Project description:Comprehensive RNA-seq experiments in DMSO and HPTB (inhibitor of PRMT5) treated cells delineate the role of PRMT5 complex in promoting breast cancer oncogenesis
Project description:The PRMT5/WDR77 complex is known to regulate alternative splicing through the symmetric dimethylation of spliceosome proteins in the cytoplasm. Overexpression of this complex is observed in different types of cancer including breast cancer, where it shows increased nuclear accumulation.To understand the nuclear role and the chromatin binding properties of PRMT5 we performed genome-wide ChIP-Seq analysis in the breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231.
Project description:We observed overexpression and increased intra-nuclear accumulation of the PRMT5/WDR77 in breast cancer cell lines relative to immortalized breast epithelial cells. Utilizing mass spectrometry and biochemistry approaches we identified the Zn-finger protein ZNF326, as a novel interaction partner and substrate of the nuclear PRMT5/WDR77 complex. ZNF326 is symmetrically dimethylated at arginine 175 (R175) and this modification is lost in a PRMT5 and WDR77-dependent manner. Loss of PRMT5 or WDR77 in MDA-MB-231 cells leads to defects in alternative splicing, including inclusion of A-T rich exons in target genes, a phenomenon that has previously been observed upon loss of ZNF326. We observed that the alternatively spliced transcripts of a subset of these genes, involved in proliferation and tumor cell migration like REPIN1/AP4, ST3GAL6, TRNAU1AP and PFKM are degraded upon loss of PRMT5. In summary, we have identified a novel mechanism through which the PRMT5/WDR77 complex maintains the balance between splicing and mRNA stability through methylation of ZNF326.
Project description:Analysis of gene expression in lung and prostate cancer cells expressing non-target (NT), p44/wdr77. or PRMT5 shRNA. Results provide important information on how p44/wdr77 and PRMT5 control cellular proliferation. Total RNA obtained from cells expressing NT, p44/wdr77, or PRMT5 shRNA.