Project description:Transcriptional profiling of neuroblastoma cell line expressing the PML1 isoform. Two-condition experiment: PML1 IMR32 vs empty vector IMR32. Two biological replicates, dye-swapped.
Project description:HCT116 cells transfected with lentiviral vectors expressing two different N-BLR shRNAs (clones #3-1 and #4-7) and empty vector control
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of Oct4, Sox2, Lin28 and Nanog (OSLN) reprogramming cell of empty vector compared to HIF2M-NM-1 over-expression at the early stage (day 12) and the late stage(day 30) using fibroblasts MRC5 and IMR90 Eight-condition experiment, empty vector vs. HIF2M-NM-1 over-expression cells, at early stage vs. late stage, and fibroblasts MRC5 vs. IMR90
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of Oct4, Sox2, Lin28 and Nanog (OSLN) reprogramming cell of empty vector compared to HIF2α over-expression at the early stage (day 12) and the late stage(day 30) using fibroblasts MRC5 and IMR90
Project description:To study the effect of Notch 1 overexpression on cell funtion and to elucidate involved signalling pathways MLE12 cells tranfected with NICD1-pIRES-dsRed2 vector were analyzed for their transcript profiles 12, 24, and 48h after transfection and related to an empty vector (EV) transfected control cells
Project description:We have mapped regulatory loci for nearly all protein coding genes in the mammalian genome using microarray measurements from a panel of mouse/hamster radiation hybrids. Proof of principle transfection experiment. Pcdh7 (a gene identified as being a regulator of many genes) is transfected into A23 and HEK cells and compared to A23 and HEK cells transfected with an empty vector. Upregulated genes predicted by our approach are compared with the transfection experiments Experiment Overall Design: There are 4 microarrays. The first two are biological replicates of A23 (transfected with Pcdh7, labeled with cy5) / A23 (tranfected with empty vector, labeled with cy3). The second two are biological replicates of HEK (transfected with Pcdh7, labeled with cy5) / HEK (tranfected with empty vector, labeled with cy3).