Project description:MS/MS data were collected from skin swab samples of one volunteer. Samples were collected from psoriasis sites located on elbows, arms, lower back and on the neck hairline. Nearby healthy skin was also sampled as a control.
Project description:Cutaneous sarcoidosis skin provides relatively non invasive access to granulomatous sarcoidosis tissue. Twenty participants were enrolled: 15 with active CS and 5 healthy volunteers. Microarray analyses comparing non-LS and healthy volunteer skin with LS showed several thousand genes differentially expressed
Project description:Sixteen volunteers, that were age, gender and BMI matched, were included in the study. Blood samples were taken one per each volunteer on three different days to also assess variability of gene expression markers in one individual. In all datasets variability between volunteers was higher than variability of measurables in samples collected from the same volunteer on different days. We have identified genes in individuals that are highly stable during one month period and are thus suitable as markers of individual disease/therapy progress. A list of genes with low overall variability is also available. Interestingly, data show that important components of immune response are down-regulated with BMI in T helper and NK cells. This paper also gives the first insight into the gene expression profile of T helper and NK cells in healthy population.
Project description:The risk of atopic dermatitis, hidradenitis suppurativa, lupus erythematosus is significantly higher in African Americans (AA), while White Non-Hispanic (WNH) subjects have a greater risk of psoriasis. The mechanisms underlying disparity in inflammatory skin diseases risks are poorly understood, and the molecular landscape of skin of color including transcriptome and proteome are not well known. To assess whether and how gene expression pattern in normal skin may affect predisposition to specific skin inflammatory diseases, we performed analkysis of gene expression in full thickness skin biopsies obtained from healthy African American and White Non-Hispanic volunteers (all females, aged 22-46).
Project description:Baseline gene expression in circulating peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from 18 apparently healthy volunteers (10 females and 8 males). The volunteers fasted overnight for 10 hours prior to collection of blood samples (but they were allowed water). 5 blood samples were collected from each volunteer at consecutive 8-day intervals. Volunteers were included in this study provided they met the following selection criteria, that they should be <br>?Aged between 20 and 45 years of age; <br>?A non-smoker (or an ex-smoker);<br>?Not pregnant or been pregnant in the last 12 months <br>?Not diagnosed with any long-term medical condition; <br>?Or have not (in the previous 4 months) donated blood, received any inoculations and are not taking regular prescribed medicine (including HRT and oral contraception) <br>Prior to inclusion in this study volunteers were screened for general health and had a blood sample taken for routine screening of Hb content etc. Only those volunteers who were in good general health were allowed to participate in the study. <br>The age of all volunteers has been reported here as being 20-45 years in order to preserve the anonymity of the data, and so that the individuals involved may not be able to track down their own specific data. Please contact us if the details of volunteers' ages are required.
Project description:Sixteen volunteers, that were age, gender and BMI matched, were included in the study. Blood samples were taken one per each volunteer on three different days to also assess variability of gene expression markers in one individual. In all datasets variability between volunteers was higher than variability of measurables in samples collected from the same volunteer on different days. We have identified genes in individuals that are highly stable during one month period and are thus suitable as markers of individual disease/therapy progress. A list of genes with low overall variability is also available. Interestingly, data show that important components of immune response are down-regulated with BMI in T helper and NK cells. This paper also gives the first insight into the gene expression profile of T helper and NK cells in healthy population. CD4 and NK lymphocytes were isolated with positive selection using magnetic nanoparticle based kits from StemCell Inc. (Canada) and frozen to -80°C until total RNA extraction.
Project description:Skin swab samples comparing potential drug contamination in a pharmacy vs controlled environment. Subjects palms, back of hand and foreheads were swabbed.