Project description:Previously, transcriptomics data for mollusc has been obtained by whole-brain bulk RNA-seq and low-throughput scRNA-seq. We want to construct the first molluscan high-throughput single-neuron transcriptomes for Berghia stephanieae. Around 129,000 cells were collected from 20 brains and the libraries were constructed using the 10X Genomics' Chromium platform. The brains were separated into two samples: the main brain (i.e., the cerebropleural, pedal, buccal ganglion) and the rhinophore ganglion sample. After library preparation, around 1,000 cells were receovered and sequenced. After data analysis, the cells formed eight clusters with marker genes for each cluster identified. Various cell populations that express a wide range of both small-molecule neurotransmitters and neuropeptides such as serotonergic, small cardioactive peptide (SCP), APGWamide, and FMRFamide cells were also identified in the dataset. Interestingly, cells from the rhinophore ganglion of Berghia exhibit great cell heterogeneity, with cells splitting into two general categories and four distinct clusters. The project produced a single-cell dissociation protocol that can be adapted for use in other nudibranch molluscs and a custom data analysis pipeline for data of this nature.