Constructing Human Proteoform Families Using Intact-Mass and Top-Down Proteomics with a Multi-Protease G-PTM-D Database
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: This data set contains the following:
1) 66 raw files for NeuCode-labeled human proteoforms from the Jurkat cell line analyzed via "intact-mass" (i.e., LC-MS, with no precursor fragmentation). Three biological replicates were performed (files from the different replicates are labeled with 022317, 031617, or 031817, respectively). For each replicate, proteoforms were separated offline using a 12% Tris-acetate Gelfree cartridge and 11 fractions were collected. Two technical replicate LC-MS injections of each fraction were performed, yielding a total of 66 raw files (3 biological replicates x 11 fractions x 2 injections).
2) 22 raw files for label-free human proteoforms from the Jurkat cell line analyzed via "top-down" (i.e., LC-MS/MS, with precursor fragmentation). One biological replicate was performed (labeled 032017). Proteoforms were separated offline using a 12% Tris-acetate Gelfree cartridge and 11 fractions were collected. Two technical replicate LC-MS/MS injections of each fraction were performed, yielding a total of 22 raw files (1 biological replicate x 11 fractions x 2 injections).
3) Multi-protease and trypsin-only pruned G-PTM-D databases used for proteoform identification. Note that the bottom-up data used to generate these databases can be found elsewhere on MassIVE (MSV000083304).
INSTRUMENT(S): Thermo Q Exactive HF
ORGANISM(S): Homo Sapiens (ncbitaxon:9606)
Lloyd M. Smith
PROVIDER: MSV000083768 | MassIVE | Mon May 13 09:53:00 BST 2019