Shotgun proteomics approaches for authentication, biological analyses, and allergen detection in feed and food -grade insect species
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: Untargeted proteomics approaches were shown to be suitable for composition and authenticity analyses of highly processed mixed food and feed products. In this work, a normal-flow tandem mass spectrometry-based proteomics method was setup for analysis and authentication of insect meal from five different species. Novel data acquired on a Q Exactive Orbitrap (QE) was compared with previously published data obtained on QTOF. Data from both proteomics workflows were compared using compareMS2 and a Trans-Proteomics Pipeline (TPP). The results obtained for species differentiation, peptides, and protein markers detection were comparable across both approaches. The collected mass spectrometry data from both instruments also were used to build spectral libraries for insect species and matching was performed successfully. Lastly, both datasets were screened for known allergens and arginine kinase and tropomyosin were consistently detected confirming the presence of potential allergenic risks associated with the consumption of edible insects.
ORGANISM(S): Alphitobius Diaperinus (ncbitaxon:27448) Hermetia Illucens (ncbitaxon:343691) Zophobas Morio Acheta Domesticus (ncbitaxon:6997) Tenebrio Molitor (ncbitaxon:7067)
Josef Daniel Rasinger
PROVIDER: MSV000088034 | MassIVE | Mon Aug 30 04:06:00 BST 2021