DATASET - Mass Spectrometry - Snake venom proteomics of three subspecies of the North African mountain viper (Vipera monticola, Saint-Girons 1954) from Morocco
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: This DATASET collection includes the mass spectrometry files for proteomics venom investigation of three subspecies of the North African mountain viper (Vipera monticola, Saint-Girons 1954) from Morocco.
Species list:
1. Vipera monticola monticola
2. Vipera monticola atlantica
3. Vipera monticola saintgironsi
Folders 01-03 - BOTTOM-UP PROTEOMICS: The venom pools were investigated by the bottom-up "snake venomics" (labled as SVX) approach and in short: separated by RP-HPLC, followed by SDS-PAGE separation and the single bands were in-gel processed by DTT, IAC and finally o/n tryptic digested. Samples submitted to HPLC-MS/MS. Early peptidic fractions of the first HPLC run were directly submitted to HPLC-MS/MS analytic w/o further gel procession. Folders 01 to 03 include the MS and MS/MS spectra of the snake species 1-3, respectively. Files are included as RAW and MZML format.
Used instrument: LTQ Orbitrap XL mass spectrometer (Thermo, Bremen, Germany) with an Agilent 1260 HPLC system (Agilent Technologies, Waldbronn, Germany) using a reversed-phase Grace Vydac 218MS C18 (2.1 x 150 mm; 5 um particle size) column.
Modifications: UNIMOD:4 - \"Iodoacetamide derivative.\"
Used protein database: Uniprot_8570_serpentes_reviewed_CandIso_2747_entries_230398.fasta
ORGANISM(S): Vipera Monticola Atlantica Vipera Monticola Saintgironsi Vipera Monticola Monticola Vipera Monticola (ncbitaxon:1588684)
Maik Damm
PROVIDER: MSV000094724 | MassIVE | Thu May 09 06:31:00 BST 2024