Project description:Effects of voluntary exercise in rat aorta. Spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) performed 5 weeks of voluntary exercise (wheel-cage running). Aortic tissue was collected and samples were pooled (3 aortae/chip). Aortae from running rats were compared to aortae from non-running rats. Keywords: parallel sample
Project description:Twenty microliter aliquots of BALF samples were dissolved in SDS-sample buffer and applied onto a 4-12% Nupage gel with MOPs running buffer. The run stopped after the samples migrated approximately ¼ distance into the gel. Each lane of the gel was sliced into smaller pieces, and subjected to destaining, reducing/alkylation, and in-gel trypsin digestion. The extracted peptides were applied for LC-MS/MS analysis using either a Thermo Orbitrap Fusion or a Thermo Orbitrap Fusion Lumos operated with an in-line Thermo nLC 1200 and an EASY-Spray ion source. Pepetides were separated using a 2 cm Pepmap 100 C18 trap column and a 25 cm Easy-spray Pepmap 100 C18 analytical column. MS/MS data acquisitions were operated at a 120,000 resolution (m/z 200) with a scan range of 350-1950 m/z and CID fragmentation.
Project description:Effects of voluntary exercise in rat aorta. Spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) performed 5 weeks of voluntary exercise (wheel-cage running). Aortic tissue was collected and samples were pooled (3 aortae/chip). Aortae from running rats were compared to aortae from non-running rats.
Project description:We asked whether the in-vivo transcriptome of T. brucei AnTat 1.1E 90-13 parasites collected from adipose tissue and blood is different. We collected gonadal adipose tissue of infected mice on day 6 post-infection, when a high number of parasites is expected, and blood on day 4 post-infection when slender-forms are the most abundant form of the parasite. Parasites from blood were purified over a DEAE column. Total RNA was extracted from two independent samples of blood and three independent samples of fat and subjected to RNA-sequencing.
Project description:This analysis was done to determine which muscle group has the most skeletal muscle transcriptional reponses to wheel running activity. Seven male mice with C57BL/6 genetic background were placed individually in cages with running wheels and allowed free access to the wheels 24 hr per day. Access to running wheels began when the mice were 6 months old, and continued for 12 weeks. The morning after the night of running, the mice were euthanized and several muscle groups were snap froze in liquid nitrogen to preserve RNA. The same muscle groups were collected from three age-matched "sedentary" mice that were housed in ordinary cages that did not permit sustained running. For each muscle group, separate pools of polyadenylated RNA from the sedentary and wheel-running mice were prepared for deep sequencing of cDNA with the SOLiD 3 platform.
Project description:Total RNA was isolated from liver samples of C57/BL6 mice over a circadian time course, 3 biological replicate samples per time point were collected and processed individually. RNA from each individual biological replicate sample was extracted using RNeasy mini kit (Qiagen Cat# 74106) and hybridized on an Affymetrix mouse Gene ST1.0 microarray. Examination of mouse liver tissue at 4 time-points around the clock in free-running, continuous conditions (constant darkness, temperature and food available ad libitum).
Project description:Aging manifests as progressive deterioration in cellular and systemic homeostasis, requiring systems-level perspectives to understand the gradual molecular dysregulation of underlying biological processes. Here, we collected data for the analysis of systems-level changes in the molecular regulation of biological processes under multiple lifespan-extending interventions in mice. High-resolution shotgun LC-MS/MS data were collected from liver samples obtained from multiple mouse cohorts treated with different lifespan-extending drugs, and analyzed using reverse phase liquid chromatography on Orbitrap mass spectrometers.
Project description:Through multidimensional genomic/protein multiomics analysis and integration of clinical information on tissue samples collected and stored over many years in a biobank, we analyze cancer tissue samples to provide appropriate criteria for selecting samples for such analysis.
Project description:Through multidimensional genomic/protein multiomics analysis and integration of clinical information on tissue samples collected and stored over many years in a biobank, we analyze cancer tissue samples to provide appropriate criteria for selecting samples for such analysis.