Project description:ChIP-seq of H3K27ac in P15 sciatic nerve was used to identify actively engaged enhancers in Schwann cells, which constitute the majority of nuclei in peripheral nerve.
Project description:We provide ChIP-Seq analysis of Egr2 and Sox10 transcription factor binding in Schwann cells of rat peripheral nerve ChIP-Seq analysis of Egr2 and Sox10 binding in P15 rat sciatic nerve. Wiggle files of negative log of posterior probability determined by Mosaics.
Project description:Egr2/Krox20 and Sox10 regulate genes involved in formation of myelination in the peripheral nervous system. ChIP-chip assays were performed on rat sciatic nerve at P15, a peak timepoint of myelination. In addition, Faire was used to identify areas of open chromatin. This experiment includes a custom ChIP-chip design incorporating many genes that are dynamically regulated during peripheral nerve myelination. Two antibodies were used for Egr2, Abcam and Covance PRB-236P.
Project description:Egr2/Krox20 and Sox10 regulate genes involved in formation of myelination in the peripheral nervous system. ChIP-chip assays were performed on rat sciatic nerve at P15, a peak timepoint of myelination. In addition, Faire was used to identify areas of open chromatin. This experiment includes a custom ChIP-chip design incorporating many genes that are dynamically regulated during peripheral nerve myelination. Two antibodies were used for Egr2, Abcam and Covance PRB-236P. Egr2 and Sox10 ChIP samples were hybridized along with total input. In addition, FAIRE samples were hybridized relative to input DNA