Project description:Cellular sources of liver endothelial cells remain elusive. Here, we used irradiation-conditioned bone marrow chimeric mice to lineage trace the endothelial cells. Bone marrow-derived (YFP+) and resident (YFP-) liver endothelial cells were isolated and total RNA were used for microarray analysis using Clariom S mouse assays (Applied Biosystems).
Project description:To investigate the role of a TIE1-function blocking antibody on gene expression of lung endothelial cells. Lung endothelial cells were FACS-isolated from primary tumor-bearing mice. Mice were treated either with IgG or TIE1-blocking antibody during primary tumor growth. Total RNA were used for microarray analysis using Clariom S mouse assays (Applied Biosystems).
Project description:To investigate the effect of aging on liver endothelial cells, we performed RNA sequencing of liver endothelial cells isolated from young (10-week-old) and aged (127-136 week-old) C57BL/6J mice.
Project description:Endothelial notch signaling dominantly regulates liver physiology and pathology. To further explore the role and mechanisms of endothelial notch in modulating development and progression of liver fibrogenesis, we established endothelial RBPj conditinal knock-out mice to specifically block notch activity in endothelium. After development of CCl4-induced liver fibrosis, SECs from control and RBPj knock-out mice were isolated and processed for RNA-seq.
Project description:HUVEC-FUCCI cells were used to demonstrate that different endothelial cell cycle states provide distict windows of opportunity for gene expression in response to extrinsic signals. HUVEC-FUCCI were FACS-isolated into three different cell cycle states. Peptide digests from the resulting lysates showed differentially expressed proteins among the three cell cycles. These studies show that endothelial cell cycle state determines the propensity for arterial vs. venous fate specification.