ABSTRACT: Evaluates the impact of fecal sample preparation, protein digestion, data acquisition mode and bioinformatic workflow on metaproteomic observations
Project description:This study aimed to analyze changes in gut microbiota composition in mice after transplantation of fecal microbiota (FMT, N = 6) from the feces of NSCLC patients by analyzing fecal content using 16S rRNA sequencing, 10 days after transplantation. Specific-pathogen-free (SPF) mice were used for each experiments (N=4) as controls.
Project description:evaluate the impact of fecal sample preparation protein digestion data acquisition mode and bioinformatic workflow on metaproteomic observations
Project description:Metaproteomics of a human fecal standard, MetaP, with ASTRAL tandem mass spectometer operated in data-dependent analysis for deep-proteotyping and evaluate metaproteomics strategies.
Project description:Metaproteomics of a human fecal standard, MetaP, with an Exploris480 tandem mass spectometer operated in data-dependent analysis for proteotyping and evaluation of metaproteomics strategies.
Project description:In this study, we quantitated the disappearance of intact HMOs and characterized the glycan digestion products in the gut that are produced by the action of microbial enzymes on HMOs and glycoconjugates from breast milk. Oligosaccharides from fecal samples of exclusively breast-fed infants were extracted and profiled using nanoLC-MS. Intact HMOs were found in the fecal samples, additionally, other oligosaccharides were found corresponding to degraded HMOs and non-HMO based compounds. The latter compounds were fragments of N-glycans released through the cleavage of the linkage to the asparagine residue and through cleavage of the chitobiose core of the N-glycan.
Project description:In-depth metaproteomics of a human fecal standard, MetaP, with ASTRAL tandem mass spectometer operated in data-independent acquisition mode for 60 min or 90 min and with a database built following sample taxonomical proteotyping.
Project description:In-depth metaproteomics of a human fecal standard, MetaP, with ASTRAL tandem mass spectometer operated in data-independent acquisition mode for 15 min or 30 min and with a database built following sample taxonomical proteotyping.
Project description:Morphine causes microbial dysbiosis. In this study we focused on restoration of native microbiota in morphine treated mice and looked at the extent of restoration and immunological consequences of this restoration. Fecal transplant has been successfully used clinically, especially for treating C. difficile infection2528. With our expanding knowledge of the central role of microbiome in maintenance of host immune homeostasis17, fecal transplant is gaining importance as a therapy for indications resulting from microbial dysbiosis. There is a major difference between fecal transplant being used for the treatment of C. difficile infection and the conditions described in our studies. The former strategy is based on the argument that microbial dysbiosis caused by disproportionate overgrowth of a pathobiont can be out-competed by re-introducing the missing flora by way of a normal microbiome transplant. This strategy is independent of host factors and systemic effects on the microbial composition. Here, we show that microbial dysbiosis caused due to morphine can be reversed by transplantation of microbiota from the placebo-treated animals.