Project description:We report gene expression profiles for cultures grown in minimal salts medium with 125 mM methanol with and without addition of 2 uM lanthanum chloride
Project description:Raw LC-MS/MS data of crude extract of Methylobacterium sp. Leaf119. Included are .mzml and .raw files for a 12C-methanol blank, 13C-methanol blank, 13C-methanol plus 12C-PABA, 13C-methanol plus methionine, and 13C-methanol plus both PABA and methionine.
Project description:In order to provide information about the gene expression response that occurs when cells experience a change in carbon source, succinate limited chemostat cultures of Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 were grown to and maintained at an OD of ~0.63, transferred to flasks and methanol was added. Cells were harvested for RNA extraction at time: 0 min, 10 min, 30 min, 1 hr, 2 hr, 4 hr and 6 hr post transition. At 30 min, a no methanol addition sample was extracted as a carbon starvation control. These data were used in conjunction with flux, enzymatic and metabolite measurements to assess the changes in central metabolism during this transition. Abstract from manuscript: When organisms experience environmental change, how does their metabolic network reset and adapt to the new condition? This study focused on the mechanisms of metabolic adaptation occurring during the transition from succinate to methanol growth by the methylotrophic bacterium Methylobacterium extorquens, analyzing changes in carbon flux, gene expression, metabolites and enzymatic activities over time. Initially, cells experienced metabolic imbalance with excretion of metabolites, changes in nucleotide levels and cessation of cell growth. Though assimilatory pathways were induced rapidly, a transient block in carbon flow to biomass synthesis occurred, and enzymatic assays suggested methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase as one control point. This “downstream priming” mechanism ensures that significant carbon flux through these pathways does not occur until they are fully induced, precluding the buildup of toxic intermediates. Most metabolites that are required for growth on both carbon sources did not change significantly, even though transcripts and enzymatic activities required for their production changed radically, underscoring the concept of metabolic setpoints.
Project description:Several of the metabolic enzymes in methanotrophic bacteria rely on metals for both their expression and their catalysis. The MxaFI methanol dehydrogenase enzyme complex uses calcium as a cofactor to oxidize methanol, while the alternative methanol dehydrogenase XoxF uses lanthanide metals such as lanthanum and cerium for the same function. Lanthanide metals, abundant in the earth’s crust and widely used in electronic devices, strongly repress the transcription of mxaF yet activate the transcription of xoxF. This phenomenon of mxaF repression and xoxF activation in the presence of lanthanides is called the “lanthanide switch.” To better understand components of the lanthanide switch in the Type I gammaproteobacterial methanotroph “Methylotuvimicrobium buryatense” 5GB1C, we designed a mutagenesis system and selected for mutants unable to repress the mxaF promoter in the presence of lanthanum. Whole genome resequencing for multiple lanthanide switch mutants identified several unique point mutations in a single gene encoding a TonB-dependent receptor, which we have named LanA. While the LanA TonB-dependent receptor is absolutely required for the lanthanide switch, it does not affect lanthanum uptake by the bacterium. Deletion of a separate lanthanide-repressible gene encoding a TonB protein had no effect on the lanthanide switch or on lanthanum uptake. The discovery of this novel component of the lanthanide regulatory system highlights the complexity of this circuit and suggests further components are likely involved.
Project description:Raw LC-MS/MS data of crude extract of Methylobacterium sp. Leaf119. Included are .mzml and .raw files for a 12C-methanol blank, 13C-methanol blank, 13C-methanol plus 12C-PABA, 13C-methanol plus methionine, 13C-methanol plus both PABA and methionine, and 12C-methanol plus deuterated methionine (methyl-D3).
Project description:Differential analysis of Methylobacterium extorquens DM4 in methanol versus dichloromethane condition using shotgun label free MS1 quantification approach
Project description:In order to provide information about the gene expression response that occurs when cells experience a change in carbon source, succinate limited chemostat cultures of Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 were grown to and maintained at an OD of ~0.63, transferred to flasks and methanol was added. Cells were harvested for RNA extraction at time: 0 min, 10 min, 30 min, 1 hr, 2 hr, 4 hr and 6 hr post transition. At 30 min, a no methanol addition sample was extracted as a carbon starvation control. These data were used in conjunction with flux, enzymatic and metabolite measurements to assess the changes in central metabolism during this transition. Abstract from manuscript: When organisms experience environmental change, how does their metabolic network reset and adapt to the new condition? This study focused on the mechanisms of metabolic adaptation occurring during the transition from succinate to methanol growth by the methylotrophic bacterium Methylobacterium extorquens, analyzing changes in carbon flux, gene expression, metabolites and enzymatic activities over time. Initially, cells experienced metabolic imbalance with excretion of metabolites, changes in nucleotide levels and cessation of cell growth. Though assimilatory pathways were induced rapidly, a transient block in carbon flow to biomass synthesis occurred, and enzymatic assays suggested methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase as one control point. This “downstream priming” mechanism ensures that significant carbon flux through these pathways does not occur until they are fully induced, precluding the buildup of toxic intermediates. Most metabolites that are required for growth on both carbon sources did not change significantly, even though transcripts and enzymatic activities required for their production changed radically, underscoring the concept of metabolic setpoints. Gene expression in succinate limited chemostat cultures was compared to gene expression in cells transferred to flasks before and after methanol addition. As a control, a time = 0 sample (RNA prepared from cells harvested directly from the chemostat) was compared to a time = 0 sample immediately obtained after the cells were transferred to flasks, before methanol was added in order to identify changes due to flask transfer. A carbon starvation control was also done comparing expression from time = 0 (chemostat cells) to cells transferred to flasks for 30 min with no carbon source added. Two biological replicates each with two techinal replicates (dye swap) were analyzed for time = 0 (chemostat) vs 10 min, 30 min, 1 hr and 2 hr after methanol addition. One biological replicate with two technical replicates (dye swap) were analyzed for time = 0 (chemostat) vs time = 0 (flask transfer), and time = 0 (chemostat) vs time = 4 hr, 6 hr and 30 min no methanol addition.