Project description:Investigation of the phylogenetic diversity of Acidobacteria taxa using PCR amplicons from positive control 16S rRNA templates and total genomic DNA extracted from soil and a soil clay fraction A ten chip study using PCR amplicons from cloned 16S rRNA genes and from diverse soil 16S rRNAs, with PCR primers specific to the Division Acidobacteria. Each chip measures the signal from 42,194 probes (in triplicate) targeting Acidobacteria division, subdivision, and subclades as well as other bacterial phyla. All samples except one (GSM464591) include 2.5 M betaine in the hybridization buffer. Pair files lost due to a computer crash.
Project description:Investigation of the phylogenetic diversity of Acidobacteria taxa using PCR amplicons from positive control 16S rRNA templates and total genomic DNA extracted from soil and a soil clay fraction
Project description:Chronic acid suppression by proton pump inhibitor (PPI) has been hypothesized to alter the gut microbiota via a change in intestinal pH. To evaluate the changes in gut microbiota composition by long-term PPI treatment. Twenty-four week old F344 rats were fed with (n = 5) or without (n = 6) lansoprazole (PPI) for 50 weeks. Then, profiles of luminal microbiota in the terminal ileum were analyzed. Pyrosequencing for 16S rRNA gene was performed by genome sequencer FLX (454 Life Sciences/Roche) and analyzed by metagenomic bioinformatics.
Project description:Mitochondrial rRNAs play important roles in regulating mtDNA-encoded gene expression and energy metabolism subsequently. However, the proteins that regulate mitochondrial 16S rRNA processing remain poorly understood. Herein, we generated adipose-specific Wbscr16-/- mice and cells, both of which exhibited dramatic mitochondrial changes. Subsequently, WBSCR16 was identified as a 16S rRNA-binding protein essential for the cleavage of 16S rRNA-mt-tRNALeu, facilitating 16S rRNA processing and mitochondrial ribosome assembly. Additionally, WBSCR16 recruited RNase P subunit MRPP3 to nascent 16S rRNA and assisted in this specific cleavage. Furthermore, evidence showed that adipose-specific Wbscr16 ablation promotes energy wasting via lipid preference in brown adipose tissue, leading to excess energy expenditure and resistance to obesity. In contrast, overexpression of WBSCR16 upregulated 16S rRNA processing and induced a preference for glucose utilization in both transgenic mouse models and cultured cells. These findings suggest that WBSCR16 plays essential roles in mitochondrial 16S rRNA processing in mammals, and is the key mitochondrial protein to balance glucose and lipid metabolism.
Project description:To explore the effects of gut microbiota of young (8 weeks) or old mice (18~20 months) on stroke, feces of young (Y1-Y9) and old mice (O6-O16) were collected and analyzed by 16s rRNA sequencing. Then stroke model was established on young mouse receive feces from old mouse (DOT1-15) and young mouse receive feces from young mouse (DYT1-15). 16s rRNA sequencing were also performed for those young mice received feces from young and old mice.
Project description:We conducted 16S rRNA sequencing analyse on colonic contents to evaluate whether forced loss led to alterations in gut microbiota composition and function.