Project description:Rapid advances in biochemical technologies have enabled several strategies for typing candidate HLA alleles, but linking them into a single MHC haplotype structure remains challenging. Here we have developed a multi-loci haplotype phasing technique and demonstrate its utility towards phasing of MHC and KIR loci in human samples. We accurately (~99%) reconstruct the complete haplotypes for over 90% of sequence variants spanning the 4-megabase region of these two loci. By haplotyping a majority of coding and non-coding alleles at the MHC and KIR loci in a single assay, this method has the potential to assist transplantation matching and facilitate investigation of the genetic basis of human immunity and disease. Complete haplotype phasing of 2 loci (MHC and KIR) in 1 human cell line.
Project description:Rapid advances in biochemical technologies have enabled several strategies for typing candidate HLA alleles, but linking them into a single MHC haplotype structure remains challenging. Here we have developed a multi-loci haplotype phasing technique and demonstrate its utility towards phasing of MHC and KIR loci in human samples. We accurately (~99%) reconstruct the complete haplotypes for over 90% of sequence variants spanning the 4-megabase region of these two loci. By haplotyping a majority of coding and non-coding alleles at the MHC and KIR loci in a single assay, this method has the potential to assist transplantation matching and facilitate investigation of the genetic basis of human immunity and disease.
Project description:Gaining insights into the regulatory mechanisms that underlie the pervasive transcriptional variation observed between individual cells necessitates the development of methods that measure chromatin organization in single cells. Nucleosome Occupancy and Methylome-sequencing (NOMe-seq) employs a GpC methyltransferase to detect accessible chromatin and has been used to map nucleosome positioning and DNA methylation genome-wide in bulk samples. Here I provide proof-of-principle that NOMe-seq can be adapted to measure chromatin accessibility and endogenous DNA methylation in single cells (scNOMe-seq). scNOMe-seq recovered characteristic accessibility and DNA methylation patterns at DNase Hypersensitive sites and enabled direct estimation of the number of accessible DHS sites within an individual cell. In addition, scNOMe-seq provided high resolution of chromatin accessibility within individual loci which was exploited to detect footprints of CTCF binding and to estimate the average nucleosome phasing distances in single cells.
Project description:Rapid advances in high-throughput DNA sequencing technologies are accelerating the pace of research into personalized medicine. While methods for variant discovery and genotyping from whole genome sequencing (WGS) datasets have been well established, linking variants together into a single haplotype remains a challenge. An understanding of complete haplotypes of an individual will help clarify the consequences of inheriting multiple alleles in combination, identify novel disease associations, and augment studies of gene regulation. Although numerous methods have been developed to reconstruct haplotypes from WGS data, chromosome-span haplotypes at high resolution have been difficult to obtain. Here we present a novel method to accurately reconstruct chromosome-span haplotypes from proximity-ligation and DNA shotgun sequencing. We demonstrate the utility of this approach in producing high-resolution chromosome-span haplotype phasing in mouse and human. While proximity-ligation based methods were originally designed to investigate spatial organization of the genome, our results lend support for their use as a general tool for haplotyping in the future.
Project description:Rapid advances in high-throughput DNA sequencing technologies are accelerating the pace of research into personalized medicine. While methods for variant discovery and genotyping from whole genome sequencing (WGS) datasets have been well established, linking variants together into a single haplotype remains a challenge. An understanding of complete haplotypes of an individual will help clarify the consequences of inheriting multiple alleles in combination, identify novel disease associations, and augment studies of gene regulation. Although numerous methods have been developed to reconstruct haplotypes from WGS data, chromosome-span haplotypes at high resolution have been difficult to obtain. Here we present a novel method to accurately reconstruct chromosome-span haplotypes from proximity-ligation and DNA shotgun sequencing. We demonstrate the utility of this approach in producing high-resolution chromosome-span haplotype phasing in mouse and human. While proximity-ligation based methods were originally designed to investigate spatial organization of the genome, our results lend support for their use as a general tool for haplotyping in the future. Hi-C experiments in two replicates of Human GM12878 Lymphoblastoid cells and two replicates of F123 mouse ES cells (4 total samples)
Project description:Arrays of regularly spaced nucleosomes dominate chromatin and are often phased, i.e., aligned at reference sites like active promoters. How distances between nucleosomes and distances between phasing sites and nucleosomes are determined remained unclear, specifically, the role of ATP dependent chromatin remodelers in it. Here, we used a genome-wide reconstitution system to probe how yeast remodelers generate phased nucleosome arrays. We find that remodelers bear a structural element named the ‘ruler’ that sets nucleosome spacing, in the order Chd1 < ISW1a < ISW2 < INO80. Structure-based mutagenesis confirmed the functional significance of the ruler element in INO80. Differences in the ruler elements of different remodelers explain the observed nucleosome array features. More generally, we propose that remodelers use their rulers to regulate the direction of nucleosome sliding in response to nucleosome density and environment, leading to nucleosome positioning relative to other nucleosomes, DNA bound factors or DNA sequence elements.
Project description:Genetic variation and 3D chromatin structure have major roles in gene regulation. Structural differences between genotypically different chromosomes and their effects on gene expression remain ill understood, due to challenges in mapping 3D genome structure with allele-specific resolution. Here, we applied Genome Architecture Mapping (GAM) to a hybrid mouse embryonic stem cell (ESC) line with high SNP density. Given the high efficiency of GAM in haplotype phasing, we could resolve allele-specific 3D genome structures with high sensitivity. We discovered extensive genotype-specific folding of chromosomes in compartments, topologically associating domains (TADs), long-range enhancer-promoter contacts and CTCF loops, often coinciding with allele-specific gene expression in association with Polycomb repression. We show that histone genes are expressed with allelic imbalance in ESCs, and involved in allele-specific chromatin contacts marked by H3K27me3. Functional analysis through conditional Ezh2- or Ring1b-knockdown shows a role for Polycomb repression in tuning histone protein levels. Our work reveals that the homologous chromosomes have highly distinct 3D folding structures, and their intricate relationships with gene-specific mechanisms of allelic expression imbalance.
Project description:Plant and animal centromeres comprise megabases of highly repeated satellite sequences, yet centromere function can be specified epigenetically on single-copy DNA by the presence of nucleosomes containing a centromere-specific variant of histone H3 (cenH3). We determined the positions of cenH3 nucleosomes in rice (Oryza sativa), which has centromeres composed of both the 155-bp CentO repeat and single-copy non-CentO sequences. We find that cenH3 nucleosomes protect 90-100 bp of DNA from micrococcal nuclease digestion, sufficient for only a single wrap of DNA around the cenH3 nucleosome core. cenH3 nucleosomes are translationally phased with 155-bp periodicity on CentO repeats, but not on non-CentO sequences. CentO repeats have a ~10-bp periodicity in WW dinucleotides and in micrococcal nuclease cleavage, providing evidence for rotational phasing of cenH3 nucleosomes on CentO, and suggesting that satellites evolve for translational and rotational stabilization of centromeric nucleosomes. Examination of measured size of rice centromere nucleosome