Project description:Muscle biopsy samples from healthy male subjects at the baseline belonging to either <29y or >59y age range. These samples were used to design a prototype of multi-tissue molecular diagnostic of healthy physiological age, which was then validated in multiple independent studies using gold standard external validation methods
Project description:Muscle biopsy samples from healthy male subjects at the baseline belonging to either <29y or >59y age range. These samples were used to design a prototype of multi-tissue molecular diagnostic of healthy physiological age. Resting skeletal muscle sample after an overnight fast. related to GSE18583
Project description:Changes in cellular gene expression levels in the presence of prototype foamy virus (PFV) infection were analyzed using a transcriptomic sequencing system. The results showed that the greatest changes in cellular gene expression levels were observed after 24h of infection compared to 6h and 12h of PFV infection. These results provide a reference for our study of PFV and host interactions.
Project description:Real-time database searching allows for simpler and automated proteomics workflows as it eliminates technical bottlenecks in high throughput experiments. Most importantly, it enables results dependent acquisition (RDA) where search results can be used to guide data acquisition during acquisition. This is especially beneficial for glycoproteomics since the wide range of physicochemical properties of glycopeptides lead to a wide range of optimal acquisition parameters. We established here the GlycoPaSER prototype by extending the Parallel Search Engine in Real-time (PaSER) functionality for real-time glycopeptide identification from fragmentation spectra. Glycopeptide fragmentation spectra were decomposed into peptide- and glycan-moiety spectra using common N-glycan fragments. Each moiety was subsequently identified by a specialized algorithm running in real-time. GlycoPaSER can keep up with the rate of data acquisition for real-time analysis with similar performance to other glycoproteomics software and produces results that are in line with literature reference data. The GlycoPaSER prototype presented here provides the first proof-of-concept for real-time glycopeptide identification that unlocks future development of RDA technology to transcend data acquisition.
Project description:Analysis of targets organs might help to get new insights into the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases. We used global gene expression profiling of minor salivary glands to identify distinct patterns of gene expression in patients with primary Sjögrens syndrome (pSS), a frequent and prototype systemic autoimmune disease. Gene expression signature allowed to distinguish most patients with pSS from healthy controls
Project description:Global loss of DNA methylation and locus/gene-specific gain of DNA methylation are two distinct hallmarks of carcinogenesis. Aberrant DNA methylation is implicated in smoking-related lung cancer. In this study, we have comprehensively investigated the modulation of DNA methylation consequent to chronic exposure to a prototype smoke-derived carcinogen, benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide (B[a]PDE), in genomic regions of significance in lung cancer, in normal human cells. We have used a pulldown assay for enrichment of the CpG methylated fraction of cellular DNA combined with microarray platforms, followed by extensive validation through conventional bisulfite-based analysis. Here, we demonstrate strikingly similar patterns of DNA methylation in non-transformed B[a]PDE-treated cells vs control using high-throughput microarray-based DNA methylation profiling confirmed by conventional bisulfite-based DNA methylation analysis. The absence of aberrant DNA methylation in our model system within a timeframe that precedes cellular transformation suggests that following carcinogen exposure, other as yet unknown factors (secondary to carcinogen treatment) may help initiate global loss of DNA methylation and region-specific gain of DNA methylation, which can, in turn, contribute to lung cancer development. Unveiling the initiating events that cause aberrant DNA methylation in lung cancer has tremendous public health relevance, as it can help define future strategies for early detection and prevention of this highly lethal disease.
Project description:Global loss of DNA methylation and locus/gene-specific gain of DNA methylation are two distinct hallmarks of carcinogenesis. Aberrant DNA methylation is implicated in smoking-related lung cancer. In this study, we have comprehensively investigated the modulation of DNA methylation consequent to chronic exposure to a prototype smoke-derived carcinogen, benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide (B[a]PDE), in genomic regions of significance in lung cancer, in normal human cells. We have used a pulldown assay for enrichment of the CpG methylated fraction of cellular DNA combined with microarray platforms, followed by extensive validation through conventional bisulfite-based analysis. Here, we demonstrate strikingly similar patterns of DNA methylation in non-transformed B[a]PDE-treated cells vs control using high-throughput microarray-based DNA methylation profiling confirmed by conventional bisulfite-based DNA methylation analysis. The absence of aberrant DNA methylation in our model system within a timeframe that precedes cellular transformation suggests that following carcinogen exposure, other as yet unknown factors (secondary to carcinogen treatment) may help initiate global loss of DNA methylation and region-specific gain of DNA methylation, which can, in turn, contribute to lung cancer development. Unveiling the initiating events that cause aberrant DNA methylation in lung cancer has tremendous public health relevance, as it can help define future strategies for early detection and prevention of this highly lethal disease. Methylated fragments in genomic DNA extracted from benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide (B[a]PDE)-treated normal human fibroblasts versus control (solvent [dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO)-treated counterpart cells] were enriched with the MIRA assay and hybridized together with input genomic DNA to NimbleGen's whole genome tiling array.
Project description:In 2014, enterovirus D68 (EV-D68), previously associated primarily with mild respiratory illness, caused a large outbreak of severe respiratory illness and, in rare instances, paralysis. We compared viral binding and replication of eight recent EV-D68 clinical isolates and the prototype Fermon strain from 1962 in cultured HeLa cells and differentiated human primary bronchial epithelial cells (BEC) to understand the possible reasons for the change in virus pathogenicity. We found no significant differences in binding or replication in HeLa cell cultures between the recent clinical isolates. However, in HeLa cells, Fermon had significantly greater (1.5-2 log) binding and virus progeny yields but a similar level of replication (~2-log increase in viral RNA from 2h to 24h post infection) compared to recent isolates. In differentiated BECs, Fermon and the recent EV-D68 isolates had similar levels of binding; however, the recent isolates produced 1-2-log higher virus progeny yields than Fermon due to increased replication. We then utilized RNA-seq to define the transcriptional responses in BECs infected with four recent EV-D68 isolates, representing major phylogenetic clades, and Fermon strain. All the tested clinical isolates induced similar responses in BECs; however, numerous upregulated genes in antiviral and pro-inflammatory response pathways were identified when comparing the response to clinical isolates versus Fermon. These results indicate that the recent emergence in severe EV-D68 cases could be explained by increased replication efficiency and enhanced inflammatory response induced by newly emerged clinical isolates.