ABSTRACT: Short-term variability in the microbial, nano- and picoplankton dynamics during post-upwelling season at a fixed sampling point in St Helena Bay
Project description:This study investigated the consumption of milk products in the archaeological record, utilizing human dental calculus as a reservoir of dietary proteins from archaeological samples from across Eurasia. Protein extraction and generation of tryptic peptides from dental calculus was performed using a filter-aided sample preparation (FASP) protocol, modified for ancient samples, on 92 samples of archaeological dental calculus. Samples were extracted at three laboratories; the Functional Genomics Centre Zürich (FGCZ), the Centre for GeoGenetics at the National History Museum of Denmark, and BioArCh at the University of York. Sample extracts were sequenced (LC-MS/MS) using an LTQ-Orbitrap Velos (FGCZ), a Q-Exactive Hybrid Quadrupole Orbitrap and an LTQ-Orbitrap Elite (Central Proteomics Facility, Target Discovery Institute, Oxford).
Project description:Spatial transcriptomics workflows using barcoded capture arrays are commonly used for resolving gene expression in tissues. However, existing techniques are either limited by capture array density or are cost prohibitive for large scale atlasing. We present Nova-ST, a dense nano-patterned spatial transcriptomics technique derived from randomly barcoded Illumina sequencing flow cells. Nova-ST enables customized, low cost, flexible, and high-resolution spatial profiling of large tissue sections. Benchmarking on mouse brain sections demonstrates significantly higher sensitivity compared to existing methods, at reduced cost.
Project description:Spatial transcriptomics workflows using barcoded capture arrays are commonly used for resolving gene expression in tissues. However, existing techniques are either limited by capture array density or are cost prohibitive for large scale atlasing. We present Nova-ST, a dense nano-patterned spatial transcriptomics technique derived from randomly barcoded Illumina sequencing flow cells. Nova-ST enables customized, low cost, flexible, and high-resolution spatial profiling of large tissue sections. Benchmarking on mouse brain sections demonstrates significantly higher sensitivity compared to existing methods, at reduced cost.
Project description:This study investigated the consumption of milk products in the archaeological record, utilizing human dental calculus as a reservoir of dietary proteins from archaeological samples from across Eurasia. Protein extraction and generation of tryptic peptides from dental calculus was performed using a filter-aided sample preparation (FASP) protocol, modified for ancient samples, on 92 samples of archaeological dental calculus. Samples were extracted at three laboratories; the Functional Genomics Centre Zürich (FGCZ), the Centre for GeoGenetics at the National History Museum of Denmark, and BioArCh at the University of York. Sample extracts were sequenced (LC-MS/MS) using an LTQ-Orbitrap Velos (FGCZ), a Q-Exactive Hybrid Quadrupole Orbitrap and an LTQ-Orbitrap Elite (Central Proteomics Facility, Target Discovery Institute, Oxford).