Project description:Apis mellifera workers in temperate climates display two castes; short lived summer bees that engage in nursing, hive maintenance and foraging, and long lived winter bees (diutinus bees) which remain within the hive and are essential for thermoregulation. Label free quantitative proteomic analysis was conducted on A. mellifera workers sampled from July to October 2019 to compare the proteomes of workers as the colony progresses through the year. Proteomic analysis revealed a shift in protein expression in workers in September and October in comparison to July and August samples. Workers samples in September and October had a higher abundance of proteins associated with oxidative phosphorylation and storage proteins such as hexamerin. Interestingly, a shift in protein expression was detected in newly emerged bees between July to October, providing evidence that workers have adapted to emerge with a different protein profile in preparation for the winter months.
Project description:We determined whether we could identify clusters of children with critical asthma by functional immunophenotyping using an intracellular viral analog stimulus. We performed a single-center, prospective, observational cohort study of 43 children ages 6 – 17 years admitted to a pediatric intensive care unit for an asthma attack between July 2019 to February 2021.
Project description:The goal is to look at changes in the pattern of expression of the xylem transcriptome through the growth season in two spruces (Picea glauca and Picea abies). One-color comparison of active xylem collected in June, July, August and September, in two spruce species. Six biological repetitions per time point and specie, for a total of 48 slides.
Project description:We determined whether we could identify clusters of children with critical asthma by plasma cytokine concentration. Differences in gene expression between the two clusters were analyzed using a targeted Nanostring immunology array. We performed a single-center, prospective, observational cohort study of 64 children ages 6 – 17 years admitted to a pediatric intensive care unit for an asthma attack between July 2019 to February 2021.
Project description:Methanolic fractions of supernatants of cultures of B. subtilis wild strains. Raw dataset and feature finding project for IIN protocol, July 2019.
Project description:These included influents and effluents collected in January 2019 at 16 WWTPs located in 16 Chinese provinces, influents and effluents collected from August 2019 to October 2019, at 15 WWTPs in 15 Chinese provinces, effluents collected at 2 WWTPs in the Wujing river in August 2020. The full process samples at a certain WWTP in Nanjing, Jiangsu were collected twice, in March and June 2023, respectively. The names of positive and negative files are one-to-one correspondence. Unless otherwise noted, those containing nxx or n-xx are in negative ion mode. Both pxx and p-xx are in positive ion mode. In represents water inflow and out represents water outflow. If there are only in and digits, it is positive ion mode.
Project description:This ODE model is a representation of the two compartment macronutrient partition model that Chow and Hall outlined in their 2008 publication. It is one of three models that they outlined in that publication. The model was constructed by a team of five as part of a Workshop on Modelling conducted at Indian Institute of Technology Madras by the EBI.