Project description:CGH arrays for Smukowski Heil, et al MBE 2017. Hybridization is often considered maladaptive, but sometimes hybrids can invade new ecological niches and adapt to novel or stressful environments better than their parents. The genomic changes that occur following hybridization that facilitate genome resolution and/or adaptation are not well understood. Here, we address these questions using experimental evolution of de novo interspecific hybrid yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae x Saccharomyces uvarum and their parentals. We evolved these strains in nutrient limited conditions for hundreds of generations and sequenced the resulting cultures to identify genomic changes. Analysis of 16 hybrid clones and 16 parental clones identified numerous point mutations, copy number changes, and loss of heterozygosity events, including species biased amplification of nutrient transporters. We focused on a particularly interesting example, in which we saw repeated loss of heterozygosity at the high affinity phosphate transporter gene PHO84 in both intra- and interspecific hybrids. Using allele replacement methods, we tested the fitness of different alleles in hybrid and S. cerevisiae strain backgrounds and found that the loss of heterozygosity is indeed the result of selection on one allele over the other in both S. cerevisiae and the hybrids. This is an example where hybrid genome resolution is driven by positive selection on existing heterozygosity, and demonstrates that even infrequent outcrossing may have lasting impacts on adaptation.
Project description:While DNA:RNA hybrids contribute to multiple genomic transactions, their unscheduled formation is a recognized source of DNA lesions. Here, through a suite of systematic screens, we rather observed that a wide range of yeast mutant situations primarily triggering DNA damage actually leads to hybrid accumulation. Focusing on Okazaki fragment processing, we established that genic hybrids can actually form as a consequence of replication-born discontinuities such as unprocessed flaps or unligated Okazaki fragments. Strikingly, such “post-lesion” DNA:RNA hybrids neither detectably contribute to genetic instability, nor disturb gene expression, as opposed to “pre-lesion” hybrids formed upon defective mRNA biogenesis, e.g., THO complex mutants. Post-lesion hybrids similarly arise in distinct genomic instability situations, triggered by pharmacological or genetic manipulation of DNA-dependent processes, both in yeast and human cells. Altogether, our data establish that the accumulation of transcription-born DNA:RNA hybrids can occur as a consequence of various types of natural or pathological DNA lesions, yet do not necessarily aggravate their genotoxicity.
Project description:While DNA:RNA hybrids contribute to multiple genomic transactions, their unscheduled formation is a recognized source of DNA lesions. Here, through a suite of systematic screens, we rather observed that a wide range of yeast mutant situations primarily triggering DNA damage actually leads to hybrid accumulation. Focusing on Okazaki fragment processing, we established that genic hybrids can actually form as a consequence of replication-born discontinuities such as unprocessed flaps or unligated Okazaki fragments. Strikingly, such “post-lesion” DNA:RNA hybrids neither detectably contribute to genetic instability, nor disturb gene expression, as opposed to “pre-lesion” hybrids formed upon defective mRNA biogenesis, e.g., THO complex mutants. Post-lesion hybrids similarly arise in distinct genomic instability situations, triggered by pharmacological or genetic manipulation of DNA-dependent processes, both in yeast and human cells. Altogether, our data establish that the accumulation of transcription-born DNA:RNA hybrids can occur as a consequence of various types of natural or pathological DNA lesions, yet do not necessarily aggravate their genotoxicity.
Project description:Genetic analyses of speciation have focused nearly exclusively on retrospective analyses of reproductive isolation between highly divergent species. Yet, a full understanding of the speciation process must encompass analysis of the consequences of genomic divergence in young lineages still capable of exchanging genes under natural conditions. The accumulation of conditionally neutral genetic variation may lead to the evolution of divergent gene networks. In a hybrid background, such mutations may no longer compensate one another, resulting in the appearance of selectively disadvantageous traits, including disruption of gene expression regulation. Here, we documented genome-wide patterns of gene expression divergence between young lineages of normal and dwarf lake whitefish and their backcross hybrids for which strong, yet incomplete post-zygotic isolation barriers exist. A significant proportion (33%) of backcross hybrids showed developmental abnormalities not seen in parental forms and eventually leading to death. While the transcriptome of parental forms was nearly identical during embryonic development, suggesting a role for stabilizing selection, all hybrids displayed strongly divergent patterns of gene expression. By comparing healthy, surviving hybrids against moribund ones, we observed that over 2000 genes were misregulated in these abnormal embryos. In particular, misregulation was significantly biased towards essential developmental genes which were strongly underexpressed. Furthermore, genes previously documented to be highly transgressive (exaggerated inter-individual variance) were almost invariably underexpressed in hybrids. Our results thus clearly showed a transcriptome-wide signature of hybrid breakdown in young, incipient species and demonstrated a persuasive link between misexpression of essential developmental genes and post zygotic isolation.
Project description:Genetic analyses of speciation have focused nearly exclusively on retrospective analyses of reproductive isolation between highly divergent species. Yet, a full understanding of the speciation process must encompass analysis of the consequences of genomic divergence in young lineages still capable of exchanging genes under natural conditions. The accumulation of conditionally neutral genetic variation may lead to the evolution of divergent gene networks. In a hybrid background, such mutations may no longer compensate one another, resulting in the appearance of selectively disadvantageous traits, including disruption of gene expression regulation. Here, we documented genome-wide patterns of gene expression divergence between young lineages of normal and dwarf lake whitefish and their backcross hybrids for which strong, yet incomplete post-zygotic isolation barriers exist. A significant proportion (33%) of backcross hybrids showed developmental abnormalities not seen in parental forms and eventually leading to death. While the transcriptome of parental forms was nearly identical during embryonic development, suggesting a role for stabilizing selection, all hybrids displayed strongly divergent patterns of gene expression. By comparing healthy, surviving hybrids against moribund ones, we observed that over 2000 genes were misregulated in these abnormal embryos. In particular, misregulation was significantly biased towards essential developmental genes which were strongly underexpressed. Furthermore, genes previously documented to be highly transgressive (exaggerated inter-individual variance) were almost invariably underexpressed in hybrids. Our results thus clearly showed a transcriptome-wide signature of hybrid breakdown in young, incipient species and demonstrated a persuasive link between misexpression of essential developmental genes and post zygotic isolation. Samples of dwarf, normal, backcross-healthy and backcross-moribund were hybridized in a loop design, involving eight biological replicates for the backcross-healthy and backcross-moribund comparison and six for the others. Dye swap was performed between each replicate. As a result, we obtained a final set of 32 microarray slides.
Project description:Hybrids between species contain a mixture of two divergent proteomes, the combination of which may lead to dysfunctional protein-protein interactions. We performed an integrative study on hybrids between the swordtail fishes Xiphophorus malinche and Xiphophorus birchmanni, and found that the combination of X. birchmanni ndufs5 (a nuclear-encoded subunit of mitochondrial Complex I) with X. malinche mtDNA (which codes for multiple Complex I subunits) was lethal. We reasoned that if this lethality was due to dysfunctional protein-protein interactions in Complex I causing improper assembly, then in heterozygotes which possess one functional and one dysfunctional allele, the dysfunctional allele might be more likely to exist in an improperly integrated/folded state, and thus be more likely to be degraded by protein quality control mechanisms. This preferential degradation would be measurable as a bias in the proteome towards the compatible allele of ndufs5, and so we sought to measure the relative abundance of peptides derived from the X. malinche and X. birchmanni alleles of ndufs5 in hybrids heterozygous at ndufs5, with X. malinche ancestry in the mtDNA. Peptides derived from each allele are distinguishable by multiple amino acids, and we used heavy-labeled spike-ins to target multiple ndufs5 peptides from each species in 5 hybrids. We successfully detected one pair of birchmanni/malinche peptides, and compared their relative abundance using peak integration, then compared the ratio to that observed in the heavy-labeled spike-in, for which the true ratio was known. We found that the endogenous peptides were skewed towards the allele from the same species as the mtDNA (X. malinche), consistent with our hypothesis.
Project description:RNA/DNA hybrids form when RNA hybridizes with its template DNA generating a three-stranded structure known as the R-loop. Knowledge of how they form and resolve, and their functional roles are limited. Here, we identified proteins that bind to RNA/DNA hybrids.
Project description:The accurate processing of stalled forks by the DNA2 nuclease is pivotal for replication fork restart, as excessive degradation poses a threat to genomic stability. However, the regulation of DNA2 activity at stalled forks remains elusive. Here, we demonstrate that, upon replication stress, RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) is recruited to stalled forks, actively promoting the transient formation of RNA-DNA hybrids. Furthermore, we provide evidence that DDX39A, functioning as an RNA-DNA resolver, unwinds these hybrids, allowing DNA2 access to stalled forks. This orchestrated process facilitates controlled DNA2-dependent stalled fork processing and restart. Nevertheless, premature removal of RNA-DNA hybrids at stalled forks leads to DNA2-dependent excessive degradation of nascent DNA. Finally, we reveal that loss of DDX39A enhances the protection of stalled forks in BRCA1/2-deficient cells, consequently conferring chemoresistance within this specific cellular context. Our results suggest that the dynamic regulation of RNA-DNA hybrid formation at stalled forks by RNAPII and DDX39A precisely governs the timing of DNA2 activation, contributing to stalled fork processing and restart, ultimately promoting genome stability.