Project description:To study the dynamics of acid adaptation in E.coli Keio collection mutant library at pH7 and pH5.5 after 15 minutes of adaptation Keywords: Single channel hybridisation were carried out using cy5 dye.
Project description:To study the dynamics of acid adaptation in E.coli Keio collection mutant library at pH7 and pH5.5 after 15 minutes of adaptation Keywords: Single channel hybridisation were carried out using cy5 dye. Samples were collected from steady state system at pH7 and at pH5.5 after 15 minutes of adaptation
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of N. gonorrhoeae comparing wild type cells to cells with inactivated by kanamycin cassette (km) gene involved in restriction modification NgoAXP or with chloramphenicol cassette (cm) gene involved in restriction-modification NgoAV. The Goal was to study the role of M.NgoAXP and NgoAV methyltransferases in overall expression profile.
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of N. gonorrhoeae comparing wild type cells to cells with inactivated by kanamycin cassette (km) genes involved in VSP pathway (ngoAXIII, ngoAXIV, mutS, mutL). The Goal was to study the role of these genes in overall expression profile.
Project description:We wanted to identify Francisella tularensis bacterial mutants that are negatively selected in vivo in the lungs of mice. Mice were infected with a Francisella transposon mutant library where each gene in the genome has been mutated via the insertion of a kanamycin resistance cassette with 2 outward facing T7 promoters. 2 days post infection, infected lungs were harvested and the bacteria present in the infected lungs were collected. Bacterial genomic DNA was isolated and subjected to an in vitro T7 transcription reaction, reverse transcribed and the resulting cDNA was hybridized to our Francisella microarray. Infection: The goal of the study was to identify Francisella genes that are negatively selected in the lungs of mice post infection with a Francisella transposon mutant library. Resulting bacterial cDNA was hybridized to the Francisella microarray.
Project description:Whole genome sequences from two mutT deletants from the Keio collection: JW00097-1 and JW00097-3. Used in Krasovec et al. 2017, Spontaneous Mutation Rate Is a Plastic Trait Associated with Population Density across Domains of Life, PLoS Biology