Project description:Liao2011 - Genome-scale metabolic
reconstruction of Klebsiella pneumoniae (iYL1228)
This model is described in the article:
An experimentally validated
genome-scale metabolic reconstruction of Klebsiella pneumoniae
MGH 78578, iYL1228.
Liao YC, Huang TW, Chen FC,
Charusanti P, Hong JS, Chang HY, Tsai SF, Palsson BO, Hsiung
J. Bacteriol. 2011 Apr; 193(7):
Klebsiella pneumoniae is a Gram-negative bacterium of the
family Enterobacteriaceae that possesses diverse metabolic
capabilities: many strains are leading causes of
hospital-acquired infections that are often refractory to
multiple antibiotics, yet other strains are metabolically
engineered and used for production of commercially valuable
chemicals. To study its metabolism, we constructed a
genome-scale metabolic model (iYL1228) for strain MGH 78578,
experimentally determined its biomass composition,
experimentally determined its ability to grow on a broad range
of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur sources, and
assessed the ability of the model to accurately simulate growth
versus no growth on these substrates. The model contains 1,228
genes encoding 1,188 enzymes that catalyze 1,970 reactions and
accurately simulates growth on 84% of the substrates tested.
Furthermore, quantitative comparison of growth rates between
the model and experimental data for nine of the substrates also
showed good agreement. The genome-scale metabolic
reconstruction for K. pneumoniae presented here thus provides
an experimentally validated in silico platform for further
studies of this important industrial and biomedical
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Project description:It is well understood that many bacteria have evolved to survive catastrophic events using a variety of mechanisms, which include expression of stress response genes, quiescence, necrotrophy, and metabolic advantages obtained through mutation. However, the dynamics of individuals leveraging these abilities to gain a competitive advantage in an ecologically complex setting remain unstudied. In this study, we observed the saliva microbiome throughout the ecological perturbation of long-term starvation, allowing only the species best equipped to access and use the limited resources to survive. During the first several days, the community underwent a death phase that resulted in a 50 to 100 fold reduction in the number of viable cells. Interestingly, after this death phase, only three species, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella oxytoca, and Providencia alcalifaciens, all members of the family Enterobacteriaceae, appeared to be transcriptionally active and recoverable. Klebsiella are significant human pathogens, frequently resistant to multiple antibiotics, and recently, ectopic colonization of the gut by oral Klebsiella was documented to induce dysbiosis and inflammation. MetaOmics analyses provided several leads for further investigation regarding the ecological success of the Enterobacteriaceae. The isolates accumulated single nucleotide polymorphisms in known growth advantage in stationary phase alleles and produced natural products closely resembling antimicrobial cyclic depsipeptides. The results presented in this study suggest that pathogenic Enterobacteriaceae persist much longer than their more benign neighbors in the salivary microbiome when faced with starvation. This is particularly significant, given that hospital surfaces contaminated with oral fluids, especially sinks and drains, are well established sources of outbreaks of drug resistant Enterobacteriaceae.
Project description:Genome-wide gene expression analysis was performed with the cells in exponential and stationary growth phases. Through these two growth status, 89.6% of currently annotated genes were expressed. High-density oligonucleotide tiling arrays consisting of 379,528 50-mer probes spaced 30 bp apart across the whole Klebsiella pneumoniae MGH 78578 genome was used (Roche NimbleGen).
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE35746: Comparative analysis of regulatory elements between Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae by genome-wide transcription start site profiling [tiling arrays] GSE35821: Comparative analysis of regulatory elements between Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae by genome-wide transcription start site profiling [TSS-Seq] Refer to individual Series