Project description:Land cover change has long been recognized that marked effect the amount of soil organic carbon. However, little is known about microbial-mediated effect processes and mechanism on soil organic carbon. In this study, the soil samples in a degenerated succession from alpine meadow to alpine steppe meadow in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau degenerated, were analyzed by using GeoChip functional gene arrays.
Project description:The nose-horned viper, its nominotypical subspecies Vipera ammodytes ammodytes (Vaa) in particular is, medically, the most relevant snake in Europe. The local and systemic clinical manifestations of poisoning by the venom of this snake are the result of the pathophysiological effects inflicted by enzymatic and non-enzymatic venom components acting, most prominently, on blood, cardiovascular and nerve systems. This venom comprises the most complex mixture of pharmacologically active proteins and peptides of all European snakes. To help improve the current antivenom therapy towards higher specificity and efficiency, and to assist drug discovery, we have constructed, by combining transcriptomic and proteomic analyses, the most comprehensive library yet of the Vaa venom proteins and peptides. At the protein level, 57 venom proteins belonging to 16 different protein families have been identified and, with SVSPs, sPLA2s, snaclecs and SVMPs, comprise about 80% of all venom proteins.
Project description:This DATASET collection includes the mass spectrometry files for proteomics venom investigation of three subspecies of the North African mountain viper (Vipera monticola, Saint-Girons 1954) from Morocco.
Species list:
1. Vipera monticola monticola
2. Vipera monticola atlantica
3. Vipera monticola saintgironsi
Folders 01-03 - BOTTOM-UP PROTEOMICS: The venom pools were investigated by the bottom-up "snake venomics" (labled as SVX) approach and in short: separated by RP-HPLC, followed by SDS-PAGE separation and the single bands were in-gel processed by DTT, IAC and finally o/n tryptic digested. Samples submitted to HPLC-MS/MS. Early peptidic fractions of the first HPLC run were directly submitted to HPLC-MS/MS analytic w/o further gel procession. Folders 01 to 03 include the MS and MS/MS spectra of the snake species 1-3, respectively. Files are included as RAW and MZML format.
Used instrument: LTQ Orbitrap XL mass spectrometer (Thermo, Bremen, Germany) with an Agilent 1260 HPLC system (Agilent Technologies, Waldbronn, Germany) using a reversed-phase Grace Vydac 218MS C18 (2.1 x 150 mm; 5 um particle size) column.
Modifications: UNIMOD:4 - \"Iodoacetamide derivative.\"
Used protein database: Uniprot_8570_serpentes_reviewed_CandIso_2747_entries_230398.fasta
2024-05-09 | MSV000094724 | MassIVE
Project description:Transcriptome of Shedao pit-viper and black eyebrow pit-viper
Project description:Viromes of sour and sweet cherry trees in Hungarian germ line collections were surveyed using small RNA HTS as an unbiased method. RNA from leaf samples of different cultivars were purified and used to produce seven pools from which small RNA HTS libraries were prepared. The sequenced reads were analyzed using bioinformatic methods to revel the presence of viruses in the samples. Presence of the viruses were validated using RT-PCR.