Project description:Differential transcriptomic responses of Biomphalaria glabrata (Gastropoda, Mollusca) to bacteria and metazoan parasites Schistosoma mansoni and Echinostoma paraensei (Digenea, Platyhelminthes). Transcriptional profiling of Biomphalaria glabrata comparing control uninfected M-line B. glabrata with five experimental groups. The experimental groups are: wounded but not infected M-line, Escherichia coli infected, Micrococcus luteus infected, Echinostoma paraensei infected and Schistosoma mansoni infected at 12 hours time point post infection.
Project description:Differential transcriptomic responses of Biomphalaria glabrata (Gastropoda, Mollusca) to bacteria and metazoan parasites Schistosoma mansoni and Echinostoma paraensei (Digenea, Platyhelminthes). Transcriptional profiling of Biomphalaria glabrata comparing control uninfected M-line B. glabrata with five experimental groups. The experimental groups are: wounded but not infected M-line, Escherichia coli infected, Micrococcus luteus infected, Echinostoma paraensei infected and Schistosoma mansoni infected at 12 hours time point post infection. Seven groups of samples: two controls, wounded, two bacterial- and two trematode-infected B. glabrata were analyzed in triplicate, using universal RNA reference.
Project description:Biomphalaria glabrata infection by the Schistosoma mansoni free-swimming miracidium and its subsequent development to the parasitic sporocyst stage is critical to establishment of viable infections and triggers a variety of physiological, biochemical and molecular changes. Here, we describe a genome-wide analysis of the S. mansoni miracidium and developing sporocyst. Keywords: life-cycle, development, host-interaction
Project description:Time series analysis of the transcriptional responses of Biomphalaria glabrata throughout the course of intramolluscan development of Schistosoma mansoni and Echinostoma paraensei. Time series transcriptional profiling of Biompharlia glabrata comparing control uninfected M line B.glabrata with trematdoe infected groups. The experimental groups are: Echinostoma paraensei infected and Schistoma mansoni infected at 12 hours(0.5day), 1 day, 2 days, 4 days, 8 days, 16 days adn 32 days post infection.
Project description:In order to understanding the mechanisms of action of niclosamide, the active ingredient in the molluscicides, we used a Biomphalaria glabrata oligonucleotide microarray to investigate the effect of three sublethal exposures to niclosamide on the transcriptional responses of the snail B. glabrata relative to untreated snails. In addition to inducing biotransformation activity and inducing stress responses, niclosamide exposures also resulted in altered function of vesicle trafficking and may affect the snail’s oxygen binding capacity.
Project description:Proteomic profiling of Biomphalaria glabrata plasma proteins with binding affinity to those expressed by early developing larval Schistosoma mansoni