Project description:We are investigating the transcriptional response of mice infected with Helicobacter hepaticus and links to liver cancer We used microarrays to detail the global programme of gene expression underlying H. hepaticus induced liver cancer Keywords: disease model
Project description:Differential gene regulation in Helicobacter hepaticus between wild type bacteria and fliA mutant 3 biological experiments of both wild type and fliA mutant bacteria (1-3) and 2 replicates (dye flip) of each biological experiment
Project description:We are investigating the transcriptional response of mice infected with Helicobacter hepaticus and links to liver cancer; We used microarrays to detail the global programme of gene expression underlying H. hepaticus induced liver cancer Experiment Overall Design: Mice with tumors were compared to mice with infection only (comparison 2) and mice infected were compared to control mice (comparison 1)
Project description:Chronic inflammation of the intestine has been associated with an elevated risk of developing colorectal cancer. Recent association studies have highlighted the role of genetic predisposition in the etiology of colitis and started to unravel its complexity. However, the genetic factors influencing the progression from colon inflammation to tumorigenesis are not known. We used Helicobacter hepaticus-induced colitis in a 129.RAG(-/-) mouse model to explore early onset of the disease. Experiments purpose and justifications: to elucidate early genes and pathways changed in the mouse strain susceptible to innate colitis triggered by Hh infection. Experimental factors: steady state, and days 2 and 4 of infection (n=4 mice per condition). The time course is validated on the same samples using qPCR for inflammatory genes. Samples: RNA from proximal mouse colon. Two mouse genetic strains are compared 129Rag-/- (susceptible) and 129.R17Rag-/- (protected from colitis).
Project description:We are investigating hepatic transcriptional responses associated with castration and tumorigenic hepatitis induced by Helicobacter hepaticus infection in mature male A/JCr mice; Microarray data demonstrated a global loss of gender-dimorphic gene expression regulation in mice with chronic hepatitis and liver cancer Experiment Overall Design: Male A/JCr mice were inoculated with H. hepaticus or vehicle at 4 weeks; some underwent castration at 1 year, and all were necropsied at 21 months
Project description:We evaluated aflatoxin B1-induced liver tumor promotion by H. hepaticus. Microarrays of liver and cecum from female mice were used to evaluate the individual and combined transcriptional effects of AFB1 and H. hepaticus Keywords: Tumor co-promotion study
Project description:We evaluated aflatoxin B1-induced liver tumor promotion by H. hepaticus. Microarrays of liver and cecum from female mice were used to evaluate the individual and combined transcriptional effects of AFB1 and H. hepaticus Experiment Overall Design: C3H/HeN mice were inoculated with 7 ug/g BW AFB1 or vehicle IP at 10 days of age, and gavaged with H. hepaticus or broth at 3 weeks; necropsied at 40 weeks
Project description:Identification of pro- and anti-inflammatory pathways induced in M-CSF differentiated bone-marrow derived macrophages (BMDMs) after 3 h stimulation with two different TLR2 agonists, Helicobacter hepaticus polysacharide and Pam3CSK4 (75 ng/ml), using TSB (Tryptone Soya Broth) medium as a control