Project description:We wanted to measure the transcriptomic changes of P.aeruginosa (PAO1 strain) when treated with plant extracts (Melastoma dodecandrum Lour, and Potentilla indica) and antibiotics (triclosan, rifampicin, gentamicin and ciprofloxacin) against DMSO control to aid in understanding the mode of action of our plant extracts. PAO1 samples were treated with plant extracts and antibiotics at MIC, for 24h at 37°C with OD readings taken at 600 nm every 10 mins using a microplate reader.
Project description:Potentilla indica and Melastoma dodecandrum lour are medicinal herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine. We sampled the plants from Nanyang Technological University's herb garden for transcriptomics analysis.
Project description:rice flag leaves at heading stage from three chromosome substitution line populations, which were respectively constructed by introducing genomic segments from japonica cultivar Niponbare, indica cultivar Minghui 63 and wild accession ACC10, to an indica cultivar Zhenshan 97, were collected. Metabolomics profile was conducted to generate quantitative trait loci that may affect contents of metabolites, and candidate genes were assigned.
Project description:The contained data consist of Illumina HiSeq reads generated genomic RNA of Oryza sativa ssp. indica used for RNA-seq analysis. The inbred control line and derived epilines LR1, LR2 and LR3 of the 4th selfing were analysed using RNA-seq.