Project description:Maize anthers ranging in size from 0.5mm to 3.0mm in increments of 0.25mm were dissected and their cells isolated using the FX-Cell protocol. scRNA-seq libraries were prepped using the CEL-Seq2 protocol and sequenced with 150bp PE reads with Illumina HiSeq or NovoSeq. The developmental trajectories of the somatic cell layers were investigated.
2023-01-01 | GSE219091 | GEO
Project description:Raw ddRAD-Seq 150bp SE Illumina Data for Wild and Game-Farm Mallards
| PRJNA1151683 | ENA
Project description:Raw ddRAD-Seq 150bp SE Illumina Data for Mallard-like Ducks of North America
| PRJNA1108311 | ENA
Project description:Raw ddRAD-Seq 150bp SE Illumina Data for Pacific black ducks and Philippine Ducks
| PRJNA1106373 | ENA
Project description:Raw ddRAD-Seq 150bp SE Illumina Data for Aedes aegypti from Texas and Mexico
Project description:ChIP-exo/nexus experiments present modifications on the commonly used ChIP-seq protocol for high resolution mapping of transcription factor binding sites. Although many aspects of the ChIP-exo data analysis are similar to those of ChIP-seq, these high throughput experiments pose a number of unique quality control and analysis challenges. We develop a statistical quality control pipeline and accompanying R package, ChIPexoQual, to enable exploration and analysis of ChIP-exo and related experiments. ChIPexoQual evaluates a number of key issues including strand imbalance, library complexity, and signal enrichment of data. Assessment of these features are facilitated through diagnostic plots and summary statistics calculated over regions of the genome with varying levels of coverage. We evaluated our QC pipeline with both large collections of public ChIP-exo/nexus data and multiple, new ChIP-exo datasets from E. coli. ChIPexoQual analysis of these datasets resulted in guidelines for using these QC metrics across a wide range of sequencing depths and provided further insights for modelling ChIP-exo data. Finally, although ChIP-exo experiments have been compared to ChIP-seq experiments with single-end (SE) sequencing, we provide, for the first time, comparisons with paired-end (PE) ChIP-seq experiments. We illustrate that, at fixed sequencing depths, ChIP-exo provides higher sensitivity, specificity, and spatial resolution than PE ChIP-seq and both significantly outperform their SE ChIP-seq counterpart.
Project description:We report RNA sequencing data that shows the the differential effects of HLA-DRb1*0401 (SE) and HLA-DRb1*0402 (PE) on marcophage gene expression under M1 polarizing cell culture conditions