Project description:Disturbing the biosynthetic pathway of 17-hydroxylgeranyllinalool diterpene glycosides (HGL-DTGs), including silencing NaCYP736A, caused severe plant autotoxicity. This autotoxicity can be restored by co-silencing the upstream biosynthetic genes, like geranyllinalool synthase (GLS). Through comparing the transcriptome data of EV, VIGS-GLS, VIGS-CYP736A and VIGS-GLS&CYP736A, we tried to figure out the potential mechanism of this autotoxicity.
Project description:Here, we profiled the transcriptional capacity of a library of regulatory sequences mined from diverse Biosynthetic Gene Clusters in S. albidoflavus (S. albus J1074) to investigate BGC gene regulation.
Project description:Data files and supplementary data associated with the one-pot method. These files are the results of one-pot enrichment of both acetylated and succinylated peptides.
Project description:Previous studies suggest the existence of parallel biosynthetic routes to the building blocks of lignin. Here, using the model grass Brachypodium distachyon, we investigated these routes through a combined proteomics and isotope labeling approach. The key enzymes involved in the formation of phenolic acids L-phenylalanine/tyrosine ammonia-lyase (PTAL), p-coumarate 3-hydroxylase (C3H) and caffeic acid 3-O-methyltransferase (COMT) were among the most abundant of the 11,417 proteins identified in mature stems. A set of double RNAi-knockdown lines targeting putative parallel monolignol pathways did not produce additive effects on lignin deposition or growth defects, but instead induced pronounced proteome changes associated with oxidative stress and vitamin E synthesis. 13C-Labeling data, metabolic flux analysis and in situ hybridization experiments supported distinct but partially overlapping routes from L-phenylalanine and L-tyrosine into different lignin subunits and flavonoid classes associated with distinct cellular localization. These results provide a deeper understanding of the lignification process in grasses.
Project description:Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men and cardiac glycosides inhibit prostate cancer cell proliferation. In order to investigate the mechanism by which cardiac glycosides inhibit prostate cancer cells, we observed genome-wide RNA expression in prostate cancer LNCaP-abl cells, hormone resistant cells, after the cardiac glycoside treatment using RNA-Seq. In addition, we profiled LNCaP-abl cells after androgen receptor (AR) knockdown to observe whether cardiac glycoside effect on RNA expression is similar to that of AR knockdown. Observation of three cardioglycosides, Digoxin, Peruvoside and Strophanthidin, and AR knockdown regulated RNA expression in LNCaP-abl with RNA-Seq (each triplicates)
Project description:A cultivation facility that can assist users in controlling the soil water condition is needed for accurately phenotyping plants under drought stress in an artificial environment. Here we report the Internet of Things (IoT)-based pot system controlling optional treatment of soil water condition (iPOTs), an automatic irrigation system that mimics the drought condition in a growth chamber. The Wi-Fi-enabled iPOTs system allows water supply from the bottom of the pot, based on the soil water level set by the user, and automatically controls the soil water level at a desired depth. The iPOTs also allows users to monitor environmental parameters, such as soil temperature, air temperature, humidity, and light intensity, in each pot. To verify whether the iPOTs mimics the drought condition, we conducted a drought stress test on rice varieties and near-isogenic lines, with diverse root system architecture, using the iPOTs system installed in a growth chamber. Similar to the results of a previous drought stress field trial, the growth of shallow-rooted rice accessions was severely affected by drought stress compared with that of deep-rooted accessions. The microclimate data obtained using the iPOTs system increased the accuracy of plant growth evaluation. Transcriptome analysis revealed that pot positions in the growth chamber had little impact on plant growth. Together, these results suggest that the iPOTs system represents a reliable platform for phenotyping plants under drought stress.